Define Bee Stings. Bee Stings synonyms, Bee Stings pronunciation, Bee Stings translation, English dictionary definition of Bee Stings. Noun 1. bee sting - a sting inflicted by a bee insect bite, sting, bite - a painful wound caused by the thrust of an in
是开端也是终结。 Dickie的部分写得太好了。多年以后当他再次站在旧日酒吧的门口,自由的意义才迟迟降临。自由,青春,永不完结的夏日。那段曾经有着自己的气息,味道,温度与声音的岁月。没有东西是完美的,但当时的他拥有过完美的快乐。像是一小间伫立于时间之外的玻璃屋,让被时间和选择褪去颜色的自己只能远远窥伺,贪...
京东JD.COM图书频道为您提供《英文原版 The Bee Sting 蜜蜂蛰 Paul Murray家庭小说 2023布克奖短名单 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》在线选购,本书作者:,出版社:Hamish Hamilton。买图书,到京东。网购图书,享受最低优惠折扣!
The Bee Sting, by Paul Murray 默里以《蜜蜂螫伤》的巨大成功归来,这是一个关于爱尔兰家庭应对危机的悲喜交加的故事。巴恩斯一家包括狄基、伊梅尔达、卡斯和PJ,是一个财富雄厚的爱尔兰家族,他们在2008年金融危机后的命运开始急转直下。除了共同面临的艰难困境外,这四个人都在处理各自的心魔:一个长期保守的秘密重新...
From the author of Skippy Dies comes Paul Murray's The Bee Sting, an irresistibly funny, wise, and thought-provoking tour de force about family, fortune, and the struggle to be a good person when the world is falling apart. About the AuthorPaul Murray was born in 1975 in Dublin. He is...
A bee sting(叮咬) and a wasp(黄蜂) sting at the same time — how do you feel if it happens? I knew this feeling when I was very young.On that day I was playing with my friends on the grassland. The suddenly felt a sting on my right hand. It felt like someone was cutting in ...
《The Bee Sting》 | 汽车特许经销商的老板是一个骑自行车上班的环保主义者,热衷于建造末日求生地堡。 生意萧条,漂亮的老板夫人不得不变卖家私。女儿立志考上三一学院离开小镇,可是家里的变故让她丧失自信。天才儿子也被地痞敲诈勒索。所有人都盼着腰缠万贯的爷爷从国外回来,出手帮他们渡过难关。
《蜂之刺》(The Bee Sting),保罗·穆雷著 穆雷带着《蜂之刺》成功回归,这是一个关于爱尔兰家庭如何应对危机的悲喜剧故事。巴尼斯一家——迪基、伊梅尔达、卡斯和PJ——是一个富有的爱尔兰家族,他们的财富在2008年金融危机后开始一落千丈。但是,除了共同的困难之外,四个人都在处理自己的心魔:隐藏已久的秘密再次出...
"The Bee Sting" by Paul Murray $27 at Amazon In the next town over, a man had killed his family. He'd nailed the doors shut so they couldn't get out; the neighbours heard them running through the rooms, screaming for mercy. When he had finished he turned the gun on himself. ...