For the past 40 years, minimal reconstituted systems have helped cell biologists to understand the mechanisms that underlie membrane traffic. Having progressed from minimal synthetic and cell-derived ensembles to direct comparison with living systems, reconstitution is poised for ever more precise and ...
The Journal of Membrane Biology focuses on publishing high-quality scientific research related to membrane biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. Explores ...
The extraordinary success of mRNA vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has renewed interest in mRNA as a means of delivering therapeutic proteins. Early clinical trials of mRNA therapeutics include studies of paracrine vascular endothelia
Roughly one quarter of all genes code for integral membrane proteins that are inserted into the plasma membrane of prokaryotes or the endoplasmic reticulum membrane of eukaryotes. Multiple pathways are used for the targeting and insertion of membrane pro
Factors induce or terminate dormancy and enhance seed germination and dormancy breaking have been mentioned and evaluated in addition to the ecological importance of seed dormancy and herbicide resistance, genetic bases of dormancy, and molecular studies were presented. The role of allelochemicals, ...
(Image credit: MPI f. Infection Biology) In 2015, scientists used stem cells in a lab dish to grow the innermost cellular layer of human fallopian tubes, the structures that connect the ovaries and the uterus. In an accompanying statement, researchers described the resulting organoids as ...
The present work demonstrates the controlled, harmless accumulation of specific ROS in distinct cellular compartments, i.e. cytosol and chloroplasts, at a definite developmental stage, the onset of grape berry ripening. These features strongly candidate ROS as cellular signals in fruit ripening and enc...
In the present study, an innovative biochemometric-assisted metabolite profiling of the flower heads, aerial parts and roots of Cirsium appendiculatum Griseb. (Balkan thistle) in relation to their antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory potential was developed. The workflow combines ultra-high-performance ...
Medical-grade honey was found to promote cutaneous wound healing in horses, but no effect was reported in dogs. The effect of medical-grade honey or Hypericum on cutaneous wound healing in cats is unknown since there are no controlled studies in this species. Therefore, the objective of this ...
In some ways, I guess, this can be looked at as the beauty of comparing two non-comparables; that you can find a compelling co-existence, as long as you are willing to allow for separate planes of thought. As science continues to unlock and shed light on the laws of the universe, ...