The Who乐队从组建开始就一直存在内部矛盾,就算新成员加入后也不例外。Townshend虽然对新生的The Who感到...
The Kinks和the Who,是英伦入侵潮流中的两支独特力量。 说到the Beatles类或者the Rolling Stones类的乐队,有两支乐队真的不能简单划分到这任意一种当中。他们就是the Kinks和the Who。在我们谈及的这一时期,也…
60 年代如雨后春笋般涌现的英伦摇滚乐队,彻底改变了流行乐与摇滚乐的历史,以 The Beatles、The Rolling Stones、The Who 为代表的「摇滚黄金一代」亦在当时的青年人群中引起一场关乎身份认同与个性彰显的变革。他们继承了早期摇滚乐想要表达的叛逆与反主流文化内核,同时也赋予了摇滚乐全新的时代主调:强烈的探索与实验...
The Beatles披头士1967《Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band》 39:56 The Beatles披头士1967《Magical Mystery Tour》 36:33 The Beatles披头士1968《White Album》 01:33:42 The Beatles披头士1969《Abbey Road》 47:30 The Beatles披头士1970《Let it Be》 35:11 The Beatles披头士2003《Let It Be...
此外,洋子每次说到披头士的时候总是漏掉冠词“the”,这让麦卡特尼颇感不快,保罗反复提醒她,“正确的说法是‘the Beatles’,亲爱的”,不过这种提醒毫无作用。对于洋子的去留问题,麦卡特尼也明白只有两种选择,他说,“要么拒绝洋子,让披头士回到四人建制,要么带她一起玩”,保罗选择了后者,一则他不想因此失去约翰,二来...
LIFE must be tough when you get mobbed by hordes of teenage girls every time you open your front door, but the four cheeky McFly lads say they can't wait to get up close and personal with their fans when they come to Liverpool. "It's going to be wicked - we're getting so close ...
The Who, British rock group that was among the most popular and influential bands of the 1960s and ’70s and that originated the rock opera with Tommy (1969). Their hit songs included ‘My Generation,’‘Happy Jack,’‘Baba O’Riley,’ and ‘Behind Blu
v=Ep9A59JOelc Interviews made from 1968 to 1973 conducted by newspaper writer David Wigg, who had been with the English Daily newspaper, the Daily Express, and interviewed the Beatles on several occasions. The interviews are edited by David Wigg, and are interspersed with instrumental versions...
The Beatles began to change the way women were being portrayed. In an interview with Kenneth Womack, he talks about how they did this: “They [the Beatles] created a very specific type of female character who would think for herself and did not need a man. And that is revelatory, ...
肉泥 (梁赫群无敌了~~~) 2009-02-17 01:22:02 Kinks太英国了可能~~~所以美国人不太喜~~~ 赞 回复 Uncle Sam (日拱一卒,功不唐捐。) 2009-02-17 01:33:04 又是ed sulivan... 赞 回复 sparktree 2009-02-17 02:05:14 当时只有这一个节目不做宣传当然不成 赞 回复 你的回复 回复...