The Horns of the Beast: The Swakop River Campaign and World War I in South-West Africa, 1914-15.EBSCO_AspAfrican Studies Quarterly
可以看出Madonna于2004年举办的Re-Invention世界巡回演唱会做得相当用心,值得一提的是这个高度艺术化的开场录影。其实这首开场曲《The Beast Within》原本是1990年单曲《Justify My Love》的混音版本,歌词取材自《圣经·启示录》,在1993年的Girlie Show世界巡回演唱会也曾作为表演曲目,却足以让半数以上的观众集体退场,...
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings Not ten Christian emperors, which are reckoned up by Brightman from Constantine to Theodosius; for these did not reign with the beast, or give their kingdoms to him, and much less did they make war with the Lamb; they are rather the an...
*In Revelation 17:16 John was told that the 10 horns of the beast would make the harlot desolate, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Josephus repeatedly blamed the Jewish Zealots for the destruction of Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple. He also repeatedly blamed the Zealots for the ...
Now there is also a second 'church' woman in Revelation. The woman in Revelation 17:3 is unfaithful and she rides a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. According to Revelation 12:3, there is a dragon that also shares those same characteristics: ...
Cloaked in shadow for most of the movie, he’s a hideously ossified incubus, a profane beast for the ages. He is indeed the stuff of nightmares. And so is this movie, now leading the pack as the best—and most lavishly unnerving—scary movie of the year. It’s a devilishly potent, ...
THE BEAST Rev. 17:7-8 &18, The Whore and Beast Explained When I saw her, I was greatly amazed. 7 But the angel said to me, "Why are you so amazed? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her. 8 The beast ...
CHRIS (CONT'D) (in mock fright) We’ve got to get out of here quick and resecure the hatch while we make a plan of how to kill the beast. CAMERA SHAKES all over like a bad horror film trying to stay with Chris as he makes a quick escape down the hatchway into the University ...
And I’m quick, too, with my mind.’ He gave a fox-yawn. ‘I’m decisive. It’s why the vixens like me. I think of something, it happens. Bang! Am I right?’I nodded.‘And I can tell a beast what to do. Robo here would run into a brick wall for me.’ Robo continued ...
This time, it will lead us to a One World Government led by an anti-Christ King in Jerusalem. It will culminate with a microchip Mark of the Beast, where those accepting it implicitly worship Lucifer (the most cunning of the fallen angels) and those who stay human (for which Jesus was...