“The Bear” (FX) Created by Christopher Storer, The Bear follows Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto (Jeremy Allen White), a young chef from the upscale world of Michelin-star dining, as he returns to his hometown of Chicago to manage the rundown sandwich shop that his older brother ran into the...
which really takes the movie to a whole new level. The way the sex scenes were edited gave them a certain atmosphere and really made you feel the dirty, erotic sense to all of it. The three actors all do fine work with their roles but it's doubtful people are coming to this for per...
Disappointing Gay Best Friend Mikala Bierma's hilarious series (guest starring Tyler Coates) pokes gentle fun at bear subcultures. Read more Advertising Where The Bears Are Check out the first episode of this popular and charming web series about fuzzy dudes. ...
These are scenes meant to get all kinds of people off. 6. OnlyFans You might have noticed that OnlyFans was suddenly everywhere during and after lockdown. Lots of famous, infamous, and everything-in-between people joined the cam site. Basically, it's a website where you can directly ...
The Best Movies About Grizzly Bears, as voted on by fans. Current Top 3: Brother Bear, Brother Bear 2, Bears
numbers so you can see more of a hottie, the characters are fun and so is their dialogue. A lost time traveler asks who the current God Emperor is, while a man cursed to be a pegasus decides he's actually better off this way. And of course there's Bearverly, who is a bear. ...
I thought you were a bear. FOREST RANGER (approaching) I don’t blame you. You’re less than a hundred yards from the nearest den. That’s why I came over here to talk to you. Do you have some identification? 21. CHRIS (CONT'D) CHRIS No. I’m sorry. My name’s Alex. I’...
John Mulaney (briefly) returns as Stevie in Season 3 of “The Bear,” mostly to tuck Carmy in on his couch in flashback sequences in the season premiere, a visual collage of sorts that is meant to illustrate Carmy’s ambition and trauma, as shown by scenes of his various cooking jobs...
This was more than the hungry animals could bear. With one accord, though nothing of the kind had been planned beforehand, they flung themselves upon their tormentors. Jones and his men suddenly found themselves being butted and kicked from all sides. The situation was quite out of their ...
The Best Movies of 2024: From The Substance to Deadpool & Wolverine! 12/26/2024 by Chris Bumbray JoBlo.com James Mangold A Complete Unknown Review: James Mangold’s Bob Dylan biopic is one of the most entertaining films of the year ...