1207 TaladorIronHordeFinaleScenario The Battle for Shattrath Scenario 6.0.1 1208 BlackrockFoundryTrainDepot Grimrail Depot Dungeon 6.0.1 1209 ArakkoaDungeon Skyreach Dungeon 6.0.1 1212 6HU_GARRISON_Blacksmithing_hub Garrison - Alliance - Blacksmith 3 6.0.1 ...
He later journeys to Talador for the Battle of Shattrath but was only seen when Khadgar, Yrel, Maraad and Durotan planned their counter-attack for the harbor. He was next seen in Nagrand in Wor'var, this time accompanied by Aggra. Drek'Thar also traveled to Nagrand in order to commune...
After the fall of Shattrath City and the draenei, Warchief Blackhand considered annihilating the mok'nathal but stayed his hand. Rexxar convinced Blackhand to spare his people.[4] Rexxar left through the Dark Portal during the First War. The beastmaster was accompanied by a large black wolf,...
Current YouTubeOfficial World of Warcraft YouTube channel YouTubeOfficial Blizzard YouTube channel Collapse Animations Expand World of Warcraft Expand Warcraft III Expand Warcraft II Expand Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Expand Other games See also:Videos(Commercials) •DVD Collection...
The easiest way to get to the Isle of Quel’Danas is by portal: take the portal to Shattrath in your faction’s area of Dalaran, and from there you can take a portal directly to the isle.Thalorien DawnseekerNow you’ll seek the blessing of Quel’Delar’s former owner, Thalorien ...
The Horde marches upon to Shattrath.“To pretend it [the demonic corruption] did not exist is to forget how dreadful the impact was. To make ourselves into victims, rather than claiming our participation in our own destruction. We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it...
While the draenei established themselves and built the city of Shattrath as their capital, Velen set up his own private refuge at the Temple of Karabor, on the eastern edge of the lands of the Shadowmoon Clan. While he was visiting the town of Telmor in Terokkar Forest, Velen met two...
/run local a,b=C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted,{40397,40314,40404,40252,40293,40288,50187,50181} for i=1,#b do print((i==8 and "Blue Monocle: " or "Letter #"..i..": ")..tostring(a(b[i]))) endThe First Letter is found at coordinates 65 69 in Shattrath, behind Griftah...
These are awarded for finishing the daily quest chains available in Orgrimmar for Horde and Stormwind for Alliance, as well as Shattrath and Dalaran for everyone. Each area contains its own quest chain and offers its own unique pets.Orgrimmar and Stormwind offer a choice of the following pets...
^abAlex Afrasiabi on Twitter[dead link -archived copy]- "Kiraser: is the WoW comicbooks series non-canon, or you were talking only about Med'an as a Guardian being non-canon? Alex Afrasiabi: Med'an as Guardian" ^abBlizzCon 2016 Q&A Panel - "Alex Afrasiabi:Certain fiction exists outsid...