Despite Iran’s longstanding reputation for sustainable water management, the country currently faces mounting water-related challenges caused by population growth, industrial development, urban sprawl, lifestyle changes, climate change, territorial conf
“Method and Apparatus that uses pulsed, counter-rotating plasmas to extract useful energy from the zero point energy field and/or to modify or nullify the forces of gravity and inertia, or the properties of mass.” That’s quite a mouthful, but it basically ...
Last weekend, I had the privilege of being part of the line-up atDublin Book Festival, an annual celebration of all things literary in Ireland’s capital. My event was a discussion of reading the world withLiterature Irelanddirector Sinéad Mac Aodha (pictured with me above), who helped laun...
However, this post will be different thanks to an inventive challenge through EMS Basics asking bloggers to consider an opposing view to their favorite topic. You can read about the challenge and link to other participating blog posts in The Second Great EMS What-If-We’re-Wrong-a-Thon. ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
accessible molecular parameter in the first two decades of the nineteenth century than it had been in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and this kind of explanation, like the earlier reductionism of Boyle and Newton,continuedtobebothadhoc(临时的)andsterile(土地贫瘠的)intermsofitspredictive...
Biopsy can expose the sterile inner milieu to extraneous oxygen, as well as to the rest of the outside environment, through the puncture.It is well documented that tumors can be encapsulated for an individual’s entire life, never becoming active. Many are resorbed and simply dissolve, as ...
radiochemical purity of [99mTc]TcO4−eluate was >98% with radionuclidic impurity not more than: 0.1%99Mo, 5 × 10−3%131I, 5 × 10−3%103Ru, 6 × 10−5%89Sr, 6 × 10−6%90Sr. Clear and colourless [99mTc]TcO4−eluate was sterile, and the pH was in the range of ...
Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in HumanAntioxidant Intake in Older Adults and Elderly PeopleAntioxidants in Health and DiseaseAppetite, Metabolism and ObesityAssessing the Mediterranean Diet in Public Health: Scoring Systems, Effects on Chronic Disease and InterventionsAssessment of Nutrient ...
Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in HumanAntioxidant Intake in Older Adults and Elderly PeopleAntioxidants in Health and DiseaseAppetite, Metabolism and ObesityAssessing the Mediterranean Diet in Public Health: Scoring Systems, Effects on Chronic Disease and InterventionsAssessment of Nutrient ...