三,柱状图 (bar chart) 每一个矩形就叫一个bar 1).The bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了... 2).This is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了... 3).As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table... 如图所示... 四、表(table) 表的“行”是“...
黑体标注了衔接词,下划线标注了比较。 The bar chart illustrates changes in family spending in one country from 1968 to 2018. Overall, of all categories, food represented thehighest percentageof average weekly spending in 1968,butin 2018, thelargest proportionof spending went to leisure. On one hand...
从图中可以看出,…发生了巨大变化。 15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that... 从图表中我们可以很清楚(明显)地看到 16. this is a graph which illustrates... 这个图表向我们展示了.… 17. this table shows the changing...
【开头段】 The bar chart illustrates changes in the figures for four categories of domestic waste recycled in a city from 1992 to 2002. 【概述段】 Overall, there were improvements in the recycling of all the four types of waste. Most noticeably, the greatest change could be found in the p...
The bar chart illustrates how the proportions of households that lived in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales changed from 1918 to 2011. 主体段1:1971年之前 Before 1971, more households lived in rented accommodation than in owned accommodation. The biggest gap was in 1918, when ...
The bar chart illustrates the frequency with which Americans ate in fast food establishments from 2003 to 2013. It is clear that the majority of Americans ate in fast food restaurants between once a week and once a month in all three years. We can also see a shift towards eating in these...
⑦The bar chart illustrates the countries which UK residents travelled to in 1999. ⑧Among the five given countries, France was the most popular one, bearing about 11 million UK visitors in that year, followed by Spain (9 million). ⑨Turkey, Greece and the USA presented similar numbers, app...
例1:The bar chart/ illustrates/ the frequency/ with which Americans ate in fast food establishments/ from 2003 to 2013. 图表类型 + 被描述对象 (frequency)+ 限制条件 (定语和状语如2003-2013) Overview(2句): 提炼全文的中心/重点/主要内容,是main part展开的基础,因此大多可放在main part之前,但也...
The bar chart illustrates how many international students applied to universities located in a particular European country between 2004 and 2008. Overall, there was a decrease in the number of applicants from China, while the US and Japan saw an increase. Notably, by the end of the p...
(改写题干)The bar chart illustrates changes in the amount of money that families in a particular nation spent on eight different categories each week between 1968 and 2018. (概述)Overall, while people allocated much less of their income to food, expenditure on housing and leisure increased signi...