科尔姆为其创作的音乐作品取名“The Banshees of Inisherin”。帕德里克质疑伊尼舍林上没有女妖后,科尔姆解释说,他只是单纯喜欢两个“sh”的发音叠加。这便是Banshee在片中的唯一登场,只是个让乐曲名字好听的工具而已。普通观众会喜欢本片,是因为故事的冲突很激烈,笑料很独特,表演很到位,外加景色真的美。03 在...
伊尼舍林(Inisherin)是一个爱尔兰海岸边虚构的地方。 本片片名《The Banshees of Inisherin》(伊尼舍林的报丧女妖)原来是《The Banshees of Inisheer》(伊尼西尔的报丧女妖),目的是成为马丁·麦克唐纳系列舞台剧的第三部,组成“阿兰群岛三部曲”(Aran Islands Trilogy)。三部曲前两部是《伊尼什曼的跛子》(The Cripp...
在前几日的美国金球奖颁奖礼上,片名怪异的《伊尼舍林的报丧女妖》(The Banshees of Inisherin)一举斩获了最佳剧本、音乐/喜剧类最佳影片、音乐/喜剧类最佳男主角三项大奖。 “地名+妖怪名”的命名方式,很容易让人误以为它是部低成本恐怖片。毕竟2011年,就曾有一部片名类似的《报丧女妖的尖叫》(Scream of the Ban...
the senselessness of death. That last one is right there in the movie’s title, teased in symbolic gestures and plot reveals untilBanshee’s final moments, in appropriately tragicomic fashion. “It’s just aiming for the truth and hoping for the best,” McDonagh says. One thing’s for sur...
#看了《伊尼舍林的报丧女妖》(The Banshees of Inisherin)很庆幸这个时代有导演愿意去探讨那些常人没法理解的东西。两个男人的友情在愚人节当天戛然而止,而后的每一天在变本加厉地恶化。一开始是回避对话、到争吵,到最后以自残的方式划分界限。然而战火无端地起,却不会无端地结束。被羞辱的一方在嗔怒后决定报复,...
vi connects their braid to an animal and form that bond, they can ride them and even control them. The most important of these animals, at least in the first film, is known as a “banshee.” It’s essentially a flying dragon, which the Na’vi use for transport and also in aerial ...
Banshee (2013) Bríd Ní Neachtain Patricia May 1 The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) Conor Madden Mowson 1 Love/Hate (2010) Malcolm Adams Martin Ryan 1 Tumbling Towards Home (2019) Evie Smurfit Baxter Sophie 1 Kowalski (2015) Alan Devlin Barry Madden 1 Leap Year (2010...
but not in the way we might expect. Less akin to the now-common rogue hothead cops we might see ingeezer-teaserslikeThe ShieldorBanshee, which may prove problematic nowadays, what makes Gerry so interesting is that he is a man so content in his life and role. He sees no shame in enjo...
Colum has no talent, since his music does resemble the wailing of banshees (not that I have ever heard a banshee wail, although I have seen Suzie and the Banshees perform live) but most people cannot distinguish between talent and empty noises; witness most pop and rock music of the 20th...