A. Ghost Fano resonance in a double quantum dot molecule attached to leads. Phys. Rev. B 67, 195335 (2003). Article CAS Google Scholar Orellana, P. A., Ladrón de Guevara, M. L. & Claro, F. Controlling Fano and Dicke effects via a magnetic flux in a two-site Anderson model. ...
"I booked this hotel for a visit to family and to watch a friend's band. First, when trying to make the reservation I was told that they couldn't make it at the time of my call but that they would call me back; which..." Studio 6 Houston-Hobby Show prices Enter dates to see...
A friend just turned me on to this great new band out of Finland called“Ocean Dark”. They are a guitar driven hard rock band with an indie current running throughout. Solid lyrics, solid sound, and incredibly well put together. I encourage you to check out this new release and watch ...
In contrast, the small islands to the west of Vancouver hold ghost towns of what were once fishing villages settled by Japanese immigrants. Though they had been living in Canada for as many generations, when the second world war came they were forced into internment camps, their property was ...
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