“Alice in Wonderland” and “Peter Pan” in the 1950s during “Mary Blair.s World of Color: A Centennial Tribute,” the latest installment of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Marc DavisCelebration of Animation, on Thursday, October 20, at 7:30 p.m. at theSamuel Goldwyn...
Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
Continue reading“The Prodigal Band’s ‘Missions of God’: Snippets On How the Prodigal Band Carries Them Out (Part Five): Bassist Keith’s Mission” Next up is the prodigal band drummer Tom, who was born into great poverty within the slum district called the Hovels in the band’s hometo...
Buckle up because Heather and Mindy Stearns are about to take you on a fun ride. The longtime friends join forces to talk about everything, and we mean everything. From dealing with teenage kids, manifestation, to Mindy's unbelievable story of being discovered by Oprah--no subject is left...
Fire Flowers, also known as Flame Flowers, are power-ups introduced in Super Mario Bros. They change the player character into their Fire form, allowing them to throw fireballs, which defeat enemies, melt Ice Blocks, and light up dark areas. The...
Today is songs, tomorrow is albums, and then we’ve got some smart essays from critics on how they’ve heard the 2020s so far. –Mano Sundaresan 100. Lil Yachty: “Poland” (2022) A huge percentage of rap this decade, on major labels and deep in underground crevices, can be understo...
Don’t miss the signature egg-centric creations here, such as the Fairfax brioche bread sandwich, made with scrambled eggs, caramelised onions, melted cheese and their secret sauce; and the truffle hashbrown, which is fried in duck fat and topped with rosemary salt for the ultimate ...
They made steel pans by shaping the bottom of the containers with heavy tools. They shaped different thicknesses on different parts. This created many notes on a single pan. The steel pan was now able to play whole songs! It was still a drum, but a new kind of drum. ...
Ok bitches, you met a day ago. Pump the brakes. BUT I’ll take a free Pentatonix concert any chance I can get cause I bet those tickets are outrageously priced like everything else in NYC at Christmas time. They even cashed in on a single with the same name. GET YO BREAD, GANG!
Lambchop’s languid Southern stride seems particularly anachronistic in the digital age, with the bulk of the songs on the ornate and affecting Mr. M taking at least five minutes to reach their elliptical ends. This band’s arduous movement rewards persistence. On Mr. M, Wagner leads Lambchop...