aThe central as adopted a slew of measures to increase the use of renewable resources. The latest came when the National Development and Reform Commission announced on Nov 302011 that the renewable energy surcharge on power sales would be doubled to 0.008yuan a kilowatt hour on Dec1. Analysts ...
The Band Aid 作者:Hope, John 页数:46 ISBN:9781622872305 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
这个版本意思到了,语法也没有问题,但它肯定不是最好的答案。英语里有一个固定说法:rip off the Band-Aid,它才是“长痛不如短痛”的绝配。 Band-Aid是邦迪创可贴,因为市场占有率高、影响力大而被用来泛指任何品牌的创可贴。创可贴能止血、防伤口感染,但...
rip off the band-aid 揭创可贴时,干脆点一下子撕掉,虽然疼,但很快就过去了。英语里意思是做某事虽会造成伤害,但长痛不如短痛。如,If you don't love her anymore, your best move is to rip off the band-aid so both of you can move on. 如果你不爱她了,最好快刀斩乱麻,你们俩都可以重新开始 ...
The Idealized Market Economy Takes Care of Everyone — But It Isn't IdealBridging the Gap — Our Attempts to Feed the Poor and Fill the Holes in the Market EconomyThe market economy and the growing gap between the rich and the poorSolving global poverty: the band-aid approachMoney makes ...
Our products have been used by millions—even billions—of people for more than a century, giving BAND-AID® Brand an iconic place in American culture. We reached that place through a history of innovation, healing, and caring for our customers. And while we’re always looking forward to ...
I’ll put the band-aid on.意思是你擦伤了,我帮你贴创口贴。 如果是淤青肿起来了,必须要用冰敷的,就可以这么说I’ll put this ice pack on it.意思是我帮你冰敷。淤青、淤血英文怎么说呢?你可以这样说bruise. You’ve got a bruise.意思是你淤血了。 You’re scratched. I'll put the band-aid ...
The first Band-Aid was made by American Carle Dickson in 1921. The idea came to him by chance. Dickson's wife often cut her fingers in the kitchen. At that time gauze(纱布) and adhesive tape(胶带) didn't come together. People had to cut them to the right size. Dickson found they ...
纪录片 Jon Moss /Midge Ure /Peter Blake 2004-10英国上映 / 60分钟 看过 简介 Midge Ure looks back at the story of the Band Aid famine relief single he co-wrote and produced, featuring contributions from the pop stars who took part.