【001】Max Explains Everything Soccer Expert - Read Aloud Picture Book Brightly St 05:02 【002】The Golden Egg Book Read Aloud Flip-Along Book 04:19 【003】Elmo's Tricky Tongue Twisters - Read Aloud Picture Book Brightly Storytime 05:37 【004】Dr. Seuss's Spooky Things - Read Aloud...
This Book is a MISTAKE ! funny read aloud 10:22 Unicorn NOT Wanted _ FUNNY read aloud _ Unicorn books read aloud 09:34 ELF on the SHELF Night Before Christmas - Christmas story - elf on the shelf rea 11:01 Bad News for Outlaws _ BASS REEVES True Story _ Black History for kids...
The Bad Seed的创作者 ··· 乔里·约翰 作者 作者简介 ··· Jory John is a New York Times bestselling author and two-time E. B. White Read Aloud Honor recipient. Jory’s work includes the award-winning Goodnight Already! series; the bestselling Terrible Two series; the popular pict...
When they had once got it by heart the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating ‘Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good, two legs bad!’ and keep it up for hours on end, never growing tired of it. ...
to set up free book stands(书摊)to offer books to as many kids as possible. Maze thinks a lack(缺乏)of books has a bad influence on kids? development. So she tries to get books into kids? hands. Many books are a mirror of their experiences. Kids can see themselves in the books,whi...
所属专辑:Bad seed 猜你喜欢 8548 The Good Earth by:大块头不要虚度年华 7443 Good Good Study by:猫猫喵呜喵 2230 Good good study by:恋恋红词 523 The Good Life-ATM by:嘻哈有态度 607 The Proposal-The Good Husbands by:嘻哈有态度 74
引导语:《沙丘的故事》这篇安徒生童话非常长,语言优美而情节沉重,表达了作者对莫测宿命的无力质问与有些消极的美好希望。下面是中英文版本的,我们一起来学习。 这是尤兰岛许多沙丘上的一个故事,不过它不是在那里开始的,唉,是在遥远的、南方的西班牙发生
Of course, she had discovered that this was not altogether true but the pleasant fiction still stuck in her mind.Never before had she put this remarkable idea into words.She sat quite still, with the heavy book across her lap, her mouth a little open with surprise, thinking that during ...
Read More » “The Watermelon Seed” by Greg Pizzoli Chances are you have heard the joke that you can’t swallow a watermelon seed because if you do then a watermelon will grow in your stomach. Well, this is an entire picture book based off of that classic joke. It features an al...
the pianist the pick of destiny the picnic the picture book the picture you see the pictures the pierrot continued the pilot walked away the pin striped suit the pinched look of a the pini society - th the pink floyd the pirates of blood the pitcher the place of formatio the plan in lov...