Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an animated television series that acts as both a sequel to and a spin-off of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It focuses on the squad known as Clone Force 99, a band of genetically enhanced clone troopers. It was announced on July
Star Wars: The Bad Batch has ended after an extremely impressive 47-episode run. The show has masterfully expanded on what viewers loved most about Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, creating a beautiful, interconnected story.Following Clone Force 99 in the immediate aftermath of ...
Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, marketed as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is a 2015 film directed by J.J. Abrams; co-written by Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, and Michael Arndt; and produced by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and Bad Robot Productions. It is the first part of ...
You're as bad as EA. Joshua Wolens: Sorry to everyone I got executed for murders they probably didn't do. My bad. 87. The Case of the Golden Idol Released Oct 13, 2022 | Top 100 Score 222.36 (Image credit: Playstack) Robin Valentine: The only thing more fascinating than Golden Idol...
Of all the "movies" mentioned above, I have not even heard of half of them, but will have to Wiki them and see if I want to watch them. Some of these picks are questionable. But the one I want to remark on most is "Star Trek: Enterprise". This was grossly under-rated as the ...
"Metamorphosis" Episode Guide | The Bad Batch on (backup link)Keisha Castle-Hughes on Doctor Emerie Karr and The Bad Batch Season 2's Cliffhanger on (backup link)SWCE 2023: See Over 20 Hasbro Star Wars Reveals on (backup link)...
Regardless I'm sure the much smarter people than I working on this type of thing are going to do cool stuff. If you want a bull case for Ethereum short term AND long term it's that the builders making stuff on Ethereum are the most creative, badass group of people I've ever seen...
List of Transcripts MATT: Everyone, welcome to the new episode of Critical Role. This evening, we luckily have Ashley Johnson back in as her character Pike. Unfortunately, Laura Bailey will be gone for most of the game, possibly, she might come in, 'caus
Episode 1 will drop on both HBO and Max that Sunday night at 9 p.m. Et. With the infamous Targaryen civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons now underway, the next batch of episodes for this Game of Thrones prequel should be truly epic.Arriving before House of the Dragon season 2...
Bad day to be British at Fox. First the network bootsSaffron Burrowsfrom itsBonesspinoff, now it seemsCheryl Coleis stepping out ofX Factor. Sources confirm she’ll be replaced by one of the show’s previously reported hosts,Pussycat DollssingerNicole Scherzinger. Cole was officially announced ...