Some of the most throughly understood processes that underlie the dynamics of genomic structure and function in prokaryotes are examined.MiltonDivisionH.DivisionSaierDivisionJr.DivisionEBSCO_AspCritical Reviews in Biochemistry & Molecular BiologySaier,M.H. Jr (2008) The bacterial chromosome. Crit. Rev....
Coliphage λ is a temperate phage, so-called because it can grow in two distinct ways. During lytic growth, common to both temperate and intemperate phage, the virus chromosome is usually replicated several hundredfold within the span of a single cellula
structure is transferred from one bacterial cell to another (in 110 to 120 minutes in the colon bacillus). By artificially interrupting the conjugation process, one can determine from the types of recombinants appearing which genes managed to reach the recipient cell. This is one of the methods...
’s genetic mobility, its clustering in defense islands, and genetic variability was found to be system-specific and shaped by the bacterial environment. Hence, our results provide a detailed picture of the multiple immune barriers present in environmentally distinct bacterial communities and set the ...
To improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of mycoheterotrophic plants, we here present the chromosome-scale genome assemblies of two sibling orchid species: partially mycoheterotrophic Platanthera zijinensis and holomycoheterotrophic Platanthera guangdongensis. Comparative analysis shows that myc...
DNA control samples (Fig.1C). The smallest plasmid — pHV2 — appears to exist in ∼26 copies for each main chromosome, pHV1 is found at ∼1.4 copies for each main chromosome, while the two large plasmids — pHV4 and pHV3 — exist in a 1:1 ratio to the main chromosome. ...
Similar to the structure of the bacterial genome, these DNA are also circular such as traditional mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA [3,4]. Additionally, the presence of other types of circular DNA has been observed in nuclei and the cytoplasm [5]. Here, we have named these DNA ...
Bacterial actin-like proteins have been shown to perform essential functions in several aspects of cellular physiology. They affect cell growth, cell shape, chromosome segregation and polar localization of proteins, and localize as helical filaments underneath the cell membrane. Bacillus subtilis MreB and...
This is usually represented as an average, and a locus can refer to a single nucleotide, region(s) of interest, entire chromosome(s) or entire genomes. We would consider ‘high’ coverage or depth as >100× for most assays. Telomeres Repetitive regions at the end of chromosomes. Tn5 ...
An imbalanced immune system has long been known to influence a variety of mood disorders including anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders and depression. In this study, we sought to model the impact of an immunocompromised state on these emotional behav