train, although it was impossible to reach at that level. There are numerous entities in the tunnel, such as skin thieves, laughing mongrel, hunting dogs, and clawed spider. Level B doesn't have any supplies, and being at that Level for a long time tends to make you lose you...
Backrooms 是一些 Level(层级)的大型集合体,在这其中,有着许多一样因为这种原因来到此处的流浪者。同时这里也有着一些现实生活中不存在的生物,被称为“entities”(实体),流浪者的目的就是探索各个层级、躲避有害实体、利用各种资源生存下去,最后找到一个能够安稳生活的层级或是回到现实的途径。 The Backrooms Mod 模...
The Backrooms You've been here before. Home Wiki Join The Wiki Top Pages Most Recent Top Recent Lowest Rated Tags Random Page Sandbox Library Levels Levels Unnumbered Levels Entities Entities Unnumbered Entities Objects Phenomena Tales POI's Groups Canons Joke Entries Themes Components Translations Hub...
Level 407 by AlwaysWandering Explore the Backrooms Levels normal-levels-i Entities entities Objects objects Phenomena phenomena Tales tales POI's poi-s Groups groups-list Canons canons Phenomenon 25 - "Oink, oink" You're a pig, Maurice, and you'll always be one! Phenomenon 25...
隐秘实体是一群特殊的实体,它们拥有着造成大规模破坏、或者制造不稳定的能力;然而,并非所有隐秘实体对人类都是有害的,尽管稀少,但也有友善的隐秘实体存在。它们中的大多数都具备特殊的性质,且它们的行为也难以理解或被解释。 以下列表将保持实时更新,以确保记录所有新发现的隐秘实体。
Explore, discover, and document the dark, liminal reality known as the Backrooms, experiencing dread and isolation as you navigate it. We wish you luck in your travels.
Enter the Backrooms currently features 23 main levels, 70 sub-levels, and over a dozen entities that become more antagonistic and aggressive the deeper you go. Inside the Backrooms Platform: Windows For a backrooms game you can play with friends, we invite you to check outInside the Backrooms...
Level 55.1: 4 - Bacteria, 5 - Smiler, 6 - Skinstealer (Entities spawn in when you reach their floor)Level 94: 4 - Animations (only at night), 5 - Smiler (for daytime)Floating castle and Party host section: These entities despawn, press 4 again when they respawn to regain control...
Level 407 byAlwaysWandering Explore the Backrooms Levels normal-levels-i Entities entities Objects objects Phenomena Tales tales POI's poi-s Groups groups-list Canons canons Featured Art SCP Wiki We owe a lot to the SCP Wiki, so check it out if you have the chance.(link) ...