Basics to lore: What are The Backrooms? What is noclipping/no-clipping? What are levels? What are entities? What are objects? What are sub-layers, and what's the difference between a sub-level and a room? When will you open Cluster 2?
Posted on April 1, 2023 | Adventure, Casual. Into The Backrooms Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Into The Backrooms – Explore and survive levels based on the popular creepypasta lore. Each level offers various escape routes but also introduces perilous obstacles. ...
后室传说多人联机版(Backrooms - The Lore),是一款支持多人联机打怪的冒险生存游戏,玩家们将会在这款游戏中展开更加刺激的冒险生存挑战,玩的非常过瘾,而且这款游戏的玩法真实度也是非常高的,给玩家们带来了沉浸式的游戏体验感,并且这款游戏中还有不同的任务等你来完成,可玩性是非常高的,对这款游戏感兴趣的玩家...
1、各种模式,各种挑战游戏,让你感受密室的乐趣; 2、很多谜题、经典探索、冒险元素都充斥其中,可以玩得很开心。 3、你可以在指尖灵活操作,完成更多的谜题,享受其中的乐趣。 后房格尔游戏简评 它是一款模拟游戏,可以给玩家带来逃出密室的恐怖感,在这个游戏中,你可以享受进入密室的冒险,你可以随时随地在这个游戏世界里...
Backrooms: The Lore 是一款在线多人生存游戏,您可以在其中扮演一个脱离现实的流浪者。收集贵重物品并在每个关卡中幸存下来以探索密室。 游戏特色 是时候探索了。谜团必须解开。 你已经进入了后室,你会陷入这个无限迷宫结构的恐怖吗? 避免过于瞩目,躲避未知的实体和敌人。有些物品可以帮助你度过这场噩梦。
The first, usually identified as Level 0, is the Backrooms as seen in the original meme. The second, Level 1, is darker and more dangerous, with more of an industrial appearance. And the third, Level 2, is the darkest, most dangerous, and the most industrial o...
Want to feel immersed while exploring liminal spaces? Check out this list of the best backrooms games on Steam and other platforms.
Backrooms is a creepypasta that contains randomly generated office rooms that seem endless. The walls are mono yellow in color. It is also an eternal paradox.
Traverse though 20+ unique levels based on backrooms lore with regular content updates adding more. Each level features a different way to escape with various danger along the way. Check every corner so you won't be caught off guard by one of 12 hostile entities in the backrooms, each with...
后房格尔(Backrooms - The Lore)完整最新版这款当下备受好评的恐怖主题手机游戏,将给玩家小伙伴们带来一场更为真实刺激的精彩后室逃脱解谜游戏世界体验! 游戏安装包名为Backrooms - The Lore,后房格尔是它的中文名,游戏内含恐怖元素内容,胆小者和未成年慎入哦! 后房格尔完整版特色 1、在游戏中,你可以在恐怖的房...