1 原文:This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see. 仿写:You are a baby girl. You have eyes to help you see. 2 原文:It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim. 仿写:The baby shark has a tail, but you don’t. You have arms and legs to help you...
1 原文:This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see.仿写:You are a baby girl. You have eyes to help you see.2 原文:It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim.仿写:The baby shark has a tail, but you don’t.You have arms and legs to help you w...
1 原文:This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see. 仿写:You are a baby girl. You have eyes to help you see. 2 原文:It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim. 仿写:The baby shark has a tail, but you don’t. You have arms and legs to help you...
1 原文:This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see. 仿写:You are a baby girl. You have eyes to help you see. 2 原文:It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim. 仿写:The baby shark has a tail, but you don’t. You have arms and legs to help you...
The Baby Shark This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see. It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim. It has gills to help it breathe. It has a mouth to help it eat. It will grow into a big shark. 这是一条小鲨鱼。 它有眼睛能帮助它看。 它有...
11 The Baby Shark 小鲨鱼12 When the Rain Comes 下雨了13 Wood 木头14 The Little Panda 熊猫宝宝15 This Is an Island 这是一座岛屿16 Now and Then 现在和过去17 Making Raisins 制作葡萄干 18 My Friend and I 我和我的朋友19 Bricks, Wood, and Stones 砖、木头和石头20 Come to My Party 来...
1101 the baby shark 00:0017:30打开APP 收听完整版 "国家地理儿童百科"是一套以百科知识帮助孩子英语阅读启蒙的分级读物。《国家地理儿童百科(入门级)(套装共24册)(外研社点读书)适用于3-9岁的儿童,共包含24本单册故事。通过阅读话题丰富、图片逼真、词句高度复现、文字量渐进增加的非故事类文本(non-fiction ...
简介:粉色小猴英文启蒙儿歌《TheBabyShark》,儿童视频免费在线观看,视频简介: 彩虹护卫队 undefined 昨天更新 宇宙护卫队队员彩虹在克服自身坏情绪后,找到了光明能量碎片变化而来的星宝,在它们的帮助下,彩虹带领同伴组成“彩虹护卫队”,帮助动物伙伴们克服心中的负能量,化解果冻怪的危机。 2024 / 内地 / 2-3岁 / 公...
—The baby shark — 下面一起进入今天的课程 看看今天的重点: 课程目标 认识家人:Baby 、Mommy、Daddy、Grandma、Grandpa 歌词大意 Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo 宝宝鲨鱼 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟 Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo 宝宝鲨鱼 嘟嘟嘟...
伶可文化 - 小伶儿歌之你知道鲨鱼宝宝吗 Do you know the baby shark Do you know the baby shark The baby shark the baby shark Do you know the baby shark Who lives in our ocean I don't know the baby shark The baby shark the baby shark I don't know the baby shark Who ...