Define family practice. family practice synonyms, family practice pronunciation, family practice translation, English dictionary definition of family practice. n. medical specialization in general practice that requires additional training and leads to b
(Medicine) a physician who does not specialize but has a medical practice (general practice) in which he or she deals with all illnesses. Informal name:family doctorAbbreviation:GP Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 199...
Most university teaching hospitals now have family practice residency programs, but few have family practice inpatient services. Family practice residents must thus get most of their inpatient experience on other specialty services. A central dilemma in family medicine education is the amount of education...
The history and development of family practice have been thoroughly described in Part I of this volume. The current status of family practice in the United States is inextricably bound to its social and cultural environment. The history of the specialty in a sense is a recapitulation of the ...
stations use family members as the main body of volunteers and are oriented to the needs of the masses, targeting volunteer services such as child care, psychological guidance, conflict resolution and policy propaganda, with an effort to promote high-quality and distinctive civilizational practice ...
This app gives you access to 40 videos produced by Global Health Media Project. The videos offer clear, up-to-date information to help providers meet clients' n…
Glenavy Family Practice 47 Main Street,,Glenavy,,Crumlin,,County Antrim,,,E-Mail: BT29 4LN, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more
Lakeland Veterinary Hospital is the "Family Practice for Your Pet". We are committed to providing quality care throughout the life of your pet.
Lakeland Veterinary Hospital is the "Family Practice for Your Pet". We are committed to providing quality care throughout the life of your pet.
Child custody and support arrangements, which can include co-parenting agreements or monetary support from either party, are vital components of the family law practice area. The primary goal is to safeguard a child's well-being while fostering meaningful relationships with both parents whenever possi...