While i was intent on improving my language, i met with an English grammar, at the end of which there were two little sketches of the arts of rhetoric and logic, the latter finishing with a specimen of a dispute in the Socratic method; and soon after i procured Xenophon's Memorable Thin...
富兰克林自传——The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin About this time I met with an odd volume of the Spectator.I had never before seen any of them.I bought it,read it over and over,and was much delighted with it. I thought the writing excellent,and wished ,if possible,to imitate it. ...
本杰明。富兰克林自传(Benjamin. the autobiography of benjamin franklin) 本杰明。富兰克林自传(Benjamin. the autobiography of benjamin franklin) His autobiography is my struggle, and that seems to be his brother's printed newspaper article, in short, things seem to be a little bit different from what...
富兰克林的《自传》Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography BenjaminFranklin:TheAutobiography ForwhatpurposedidhewritehisAutobiography?1,DearSon,IhaveeverhadaPleasureinobtaininganylittleAnecdotesofmyAncestors.YoumayremembertheEnquiriesImadeamongtheRemainsofmyRelationswhenyouwerewithmeinEngland;andthejourneyItookforthatpurpose....
2、《The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin》为了唤起残存的阅读记忆,这次阅读英文版,选择外研社的双语版本。本书中,富兰克林以拉家常的方式,把自己成功的经验和失败的教训娓娓道来,整部自传既无哗众取宠之状,也无盛气凌人之势,在通俗易懂的叙述中不仅有睿智和哲理的火花,鼓舞了几代美国人,也开创了美国传记...
The-Autobiographyof-Benjamin-Franklin TheAutobiographyof BenjamimFranklin 第一页,编辑于星期日:二十三点五十一分。TheFirstParagraph DEARSON:Ihaveeverhadpleasureinobtaininganylittleanecdotesofmyancestors.Youmay remembertheinquiriesImadeamongtheremainsofmyrelationswhenyouwerewithmeinEngland,andthejourneyIundertookfor...
富兰克林的自传Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography BenjaminFranklin:TheAutobiography ForwhatpurposedidhewritehisAutobiography?1,DearSon,IhaveeverhadaPleasureinobtaininganylittleAnecdotesofmyAncestors.YoumayremembertheEnquiriesImadeamongtheRemainsofmyRelationswhenyouwerewithmeinEngland;andthejourneyItookforthatpurpose.Now...
While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage ofinattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason. 还有一种文本While my Attention was taken up in guarding against one Fault, I was often surpris'd by another. ...
书名: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 作者: Benjamin Franklin 副标题: Second Edition 页数: 364 出版社: Yale University Press 出版年: 2003-4-10 第113页 反思自己的意识形态与行为真的很厉害。想想我貌似从未深刻反思过两者之间的关联。说到宗教对个人行为的影响,我原以为大概除了穆斯林教其...