BJ. R. R. Tolkien, the author ofThe Lord of the Rings, devoted his lifeto the pursuit of knowledge, especiallythe study of language. He was anOxford professor of Anglo-Saxon formuch of his professional life.Tolkien's ability with languages inspired his studies inphilology, the branch of ...
The most useful assumption consists to suppose the cinematic homogeneity of the mixture: that means the averaged velocities of the phases over the pipe cross-section are equal 为一组分闪动的流程。 最有用的假定包括假设混合物的电影同质性: 那意味阶段的平均的速度在管子横断面是相等的 [translate] a...
1.The Lord of the Rings《指环王》(魔戒)开创了奇幻小说的先河,以神话的思维阐释了现实世界,跨越了时代,创造新的文学类别,不可不看; 2.英国原版,文字通俗易懂,是一部不错的课外补充读物; 3.除英语外,作者还创作了庞大复杂的新语言体系,如精灵语、兽人语等,语言爱好者必读; 4.封面由作者J.R.R.托尔金亲自...
The Lord of the Rings《指环王》(魔戒),是英国作家J.R.R.托尔金创作的长篇小说,为The Hobbit《霍比特人》的续篇。《指环王》总共写了十二年才完成,费时四年修改,自1954年出版以来被翻译成60多种语言,根据其改编的电影《指环王》(魔戒)于2001年上映,已荣获多个奥斯卡金像奖,并在世界迅速掀起一股幻想狂潮。本...
肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 演员 饰Boromir 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 演员 丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler 演员 饰Barliman Butt... 阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 演员 饰The Ring (voi... 诺儿·阿普比 Noel Appleby 演员 饰Everard Proud... 萨拉·贝克 Sala Baker 演员 饰Sauron 机构...
魔戒英文原著,自己读的,讲英式英语。卷一:av83126319卷三:BV1oC4y1p75N卷四:BV1Cg4y1i7AK卷五:BV1n54y1q7ca卷六:BV1yT4y157fe精灵宝钻:BV1wv411k72sThe Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. TolkienPart 1 The Fellowship of the Ring Book 2魔戒 第一部
指环王1:护戒使者 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring的海报 1080x1512 正式海报 中国大陆82回应 1098x1500 正式海报7回应 1978x2936 正式海报 美国5回应 1000x1500 正式海报14回应 1080x1509 正式海报 中国大陆13回应 1250x1875 正式海报 美国3回应...
1892. After serving in the First World War, he became best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, selling 150 million copies in more than 40 languages worldwide. Awarded the CBE and an honorary Doctorate of Letters from Oxford University, he died in 1973 at the age of 81. ...
【简介】the Lo..承蒙@我爱秀一 和译林出版社的友情赠送,加之我的四处求购,我有幸搜集到了自《魔戒》上映以来,译林出版社所出版的全部六套《魔戒》。再通过其他一些求知途径,我对the Lord of the Rings