Legislation promoting distributed generation did not go through the CEUR pipe, but these bills show some wear and tear of their own. A loose-knit group of advocates under the banner of the Equitable Solar Alliance came in with a package of three bills, all of which remain alive after favorab...
And what of other cultures, peoples’ discontinued contemporary rites Australia’s unique Indigenous: 63K years BC, oldest continuous living cites Gwion Gwion sophisticated rock art, started Pleistocene, post-last ice age Gone, no lore nor explanation, at 1-2K years BC, another victim of Thera’...
It also mentions the role of online commerce in providing retail options that avoid the need to travel in person – and cites these as an option for reducing the overall demand for travel. But it fails to adequately explore the impact of the consequent requirements for delivery transport – ot...
A consistent feature of the publications of the Boeotia Regional Survey Project, Central Greece, directed by the author and Anthony Snodgrass since 1978, already evident in our first interim report in 1985, is the presentation of a model which identifies a recurrent role for artificial manuring in...
None of the models he cites even hints at solving the hard problem. I’m currently finishing off a book that claims to solve it, but as enlightening as it is along other axes, the bottom line seems to be “these structures exist as a delivery platform for feelings, and you can’t ...
I agree with Russell Galt that there is a general lack of comprehension of why cities need biodiversity close to where people are. Russell argues that we need to work together, exchange knowledge, and he cites a series of organizations and publications that are helping to change urban disconnect...
"Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the lover of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self." St. Augustine, DE CIVITATE DEI, Book XIV, Chapter 28 ...
The author lays California wildflowers on the grave of William Wordsworth in St. Oswald’s churchyard, Grasmere, England (July 16, 1994). I have always found Wordsworth’s hopeful and exuberant spirit an inspiration, so much so that I marked my fiftieth birthday with a pilgrimage to the poet...
The western world will be able to greatly reduce their CO2outputs through the use of wind, solar and other renewable resources. The western world will be able to inspire, convince, cajole or command other nations to do the same. How will the west stop other nations from acquiring “affordabl...
Let’s move on from the positive aspects of cities to the negative aspects of cites. In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of crowded cities? How can governments improve living standards in crowded cities? What about air quality? What can people do to improve the air quality in th...