THE AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION : Code of Ethics*Australian Veterinary Journal
Although prior research has widely tested the public’s perceived fairness of the criminal justice system, such as the police, the court, and the pros
The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It subscribes to COPE's principles for addressing misconduct. This means the journal is committed to investigating any allegations of misconduct, to maintain the integrity of research....
online databasesonline resourcesAustralasian research informationscholarly researche-titlescommissioningpublishinginformation sourceslibrary resourcesAustralian environmental groups have a proud record of defending ...
in Qufu, Shandong Province, is one of China's leading philosophers. He espoused a code of ethics for the nation's rulers and encouraged filial piety. China Breakthroughs: COMAC soars with C919 jumbo jets orders - 600 COMAC is designing and building "Made in China" commercial airliners to ...
Alex Brown, a Professor of Indigenous Genomics from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, “We can only proceed at the speed of trust”. Here we offer a framework, grounded in environmental justice and the CARE principles (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, ...
g) respect, and seek when necessary, the professional expertise of colleagues in their areas of competence Australian Computer Society | ACS Code of Ethics Case Studies & Related Clauses to the Code of Conduct | July 2012 Page 4 Case No. 2: Diane the Consultant [1] ...
Pojman, Louis P.: 1995,Ethics, 2nd ed. (Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA). Google Scholar Saler, Thomas D.: January 1998, 'The Financial Performance of Ethical Investment Trusts: An Australian Perspective',Mutual Funds Magazine,
Phylogeography of the iconic Australian red-tailed black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) and implications for its conservation Article 12 May 2020 Using genome-wide data to ascertain taxonomic status and assess population genetic structure for Houston toads (Bufo [= Anaxyrus] houstonensis) Ar...
Australian Journal of Adult Learning 58(3): 336–364 Google Scholar O’Keeffe, P. (2020) The case for engaging online tutors for supporting learners in higher education in refugee contexts. Research in Learning Technology 28: 2428 Google Scholar Orozco-Messana, J., de la Poza-Plaza, E....