Aged-care help is close to home | The AustralianLaverty, Martin
The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care is responsible for delivering an affordable, quality aged care system and better outcomes for older Australians as well as the people who care for them. After a royal commission came in and made a number of recommendations for upgrading the ...
The Aged Care Workforce Census and Survey informs workforce planning on issues surrounding the recruitment and retention, training and education, carer development and employment conditions of the aged care workforce. It provides a compr... Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing - Austral...
The Leader of the Opposition, Anthony Albanese, spoke at the National Press Club in Canberra today, attacking the Morrison government over its handling of aged care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Albanese criticised the government over its handling of aged care deaths in Victoria during the coronav...
Over recent years aged care has emerged as a significant public issue in the popular media and in the rhetoric of politicians anticipating elections. The prominence of nursing home scandals reflects a deep and longstanding public concern for vulnerable older people. The major issues of aged care, ...
Welcome to Australian Healthcare Week (AHW), the largest and leading healthcare event in the southern hemisphere. This is not just any healthcare event - this is the biggest gathering of healthcare professionals across the entire health ecosystem. Join thousands of industry peers at this ...
Off the back of recent ACCC proceedings in the aged care sector, there are a number of steps that businesses with vulnerable consumers can take to protect their consumers and therefore reduce the risks of contravening the Australian Consumer Law....
Australian aged care services have undergone a series of substantial reforms in recent years under the rubric of the Aged Care Reform Strategy. Overall, there has been a progressive refinement of the targeting of available services on those most in need, defined in terms of both disability levels...
The Australian Journal of Dementia Care (AJDC) is a multidisciplinary journal for all professional staff working with people with dementia in residential aged care homes, hospitals, day units and the community.
Yet, there are surprisingly few statistical summaries in the peer-reviewed literature on the profile of Australian aged care residents or trends in service utilisation. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to characterise the demographic profile and utilisation of a large cohort of residential...