应该是因为你用的是A4的越狱工具 你要用对应A5芯片的越狱工具,百度一下,A5 完美 5.0.1,会找到的
iPad2 越狱出现sorry the attached device is not supported 1.我确定我是5.1.1(9B206)的系统,绿毒也没下错
新的IPAD2 他的CPU 是A5 32NM 的,所以不能越狱,我的也是。很杯具啊。 戮銃 江湖少侠 6 可能性网上总结了下,有以下几点1、32nm的pad2过几天才能越狱2、系统5.1.1分为9b206跟9b208,后者系填补漏洞的更新版,越狱需要前者 坦姬再美终是妃 人海孤鸿 4 看了你的图大概是你的设备和软件不兼容 我的百度...
5.1.1完美越狱时下,绿毒软件上出现 sorry,the attached device is not supported 这是因为你的版本比大神们测试的版本要高,正确支持越狱的版本是5.1.1(9B206)你的是208或者其它版本,当然不支持越狱。所以,用itunes恢复下就OK啦·~
My iPad is in iOS 12.11. When I tried to open a book in Book app I was surprised all my books just vanished.Few minutes after,the books went back but some were already gone.I My iCloud storage is already full so not all my books were stored. ...
While the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard attached has a small profile, this is a dense package. It feels like the gravitational pull of this computer is heavier than anything else. I can carry it one-handed, but it feels like a laptop. So far it doesn't feel top-heavy ...
Mobile File Transfer is not available unless you purchase a subscription. The offer will begin immediately after purchasing a subscription. Mobile File Transfer is a subscription-based application. Upon initial registration, after your free trial period of 1 month, a fee per month will be charged ...