It is necessary to clarify atomic structure and to understand the phenomena caused by the sliding friction and the mechanism. It was confirmed that an X-ray scattering of amorphous carbon thin film measured at the SPring8 can be measured to a level as accurate as 10 -1...
Electronic structureSi(0 0 1)Scanning tunneling microscopyDensity functional theoryThe atomic and electronic structures of the Si(001)–c(4×4) surface have been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional the…[ Jiangping He...
The precise atomic structure of activated carbon is unknown, despite its huge commercial importance in the purification of air and water. Diffraction methods have been extensively applied to the study of microporous carbons, but cannot provide an unequivocal identification of their structure. Here we ...
A new possible atomic arrangement for the carbon atom in the B-sites of AB-type carbonate apatiteRietveldrefinementcarbonatecrystal structureThe crystal structure of a synthetic AB-type carbonate apatite sample was analyzed by Rietveld refinement including a model with carbon atom not fixed in the B...
To evaluate the stability of single-atom Fe sites on carbon supports, we calculated the binding energy (Ebind) of single-atom Fe sites (Fig.1c). For the perfect Fe-N4configuration, the binding energy of the single-atom Fe site is –1.01 eV, indicating that the configuration of the ...
Section 2: Atomic structure & the changing models of atom (Short Answer Questions)Q1. Sir James Jeans, who was a great populariser of science, once described atomic structure of carbon as being like six bees buzzing around a space the size of a football stadium....
Every atom has a atomic structure of which it is made up off. Atomic structure consists of a positively charged nucleus and a negatively charged electron revolving around it. Furthermore, to understand atomic structure we first need to understand what is
The structure of coal is characterized by coal seam stacking and the distribution characteristics of aromatic lamellae3. In addition, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) was applied to the layer structure of carbon materials in the 1960s. With the continuous update of the HRTEM ...
Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes at the beginning of the last decade, extensive research related to the nanotubes in the fields of chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, and electrical and electronic engineering has been found increasingly. The nanotubes, having an extreme small...
toxicity to liver HepG2 cells9, stereoselective interaction with the prion protein24, tuning enzymatic activity25,26,27, interaction with the Golgi apparatus28, studying their effect on plant growth29, as well as establishing methods for detecting the interaction between achiral carbon dots and ...