The atmosphere of Uranus: Results of radio occultation measurements with Voyager 2 - Lindal, Lyons, et al. - 1987 () Citation Context ...e about 2 km larger that the corresponding tangent altitudes.) 2.4. Abel transform Finally, the bending angle profiles 伪(p) are inverted back into ...
1982. The upper atmosphere of Uranus: a critical test of isotropic turbulence models. Icarus 51:491-508French, R. G., J. L. Elliot, B. Sicardy, P. Nicholson, K. Matthews 1982. The upper atmosphere of Uranus - A critical test of isotropic turbulence models. Icarus 51, 491- 508....
The composition and structure of the Uranian atmosphere, as determined from Voyager data, are described. It is observed that the atmosphere contains He, CH4, C2H2, HD, CH3D, and NH3; it has an effective temperature of -216 C; it is tilted 98 deg to the plane of the ecliptic; and the...
The seasonal meridional energy balance and thermal structure of the atmosphere of Uranus is investigated using a two-dimensional radiative—convective—dynamical model. Diurnal-average temperatures and heat fluxes are calculated as a function of pressure, latitude, and season. In addition to treating rad...
The temperature of Uranus averages minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Uranus holds the record for the coldest temperature ever measured in the solar system.
The atmosphere of Uranus consists of about 83 percent hydrogen, 15 percent helium and trace amounts of ammonia, which contains the elements of nitrogen and hydrogen. Methane gas, which is made up of carbon and hydrogen, in the atmosphere gives Uranus its blue-green color. The bulk of the ...
Dry late accretion inferred from Venus’s coupled atmosphere and internal evolution Article 07 April 2020 Introduction Lunar sample studies have focused on the measurement of H (reported as equivalent amounts of OH or H2O) in lunar volcanic glass beads1,2,3, melt inclusions1,2,4 and apatite...
not able to collect the data needed to explain the extreme atmospheric seasonal variation over the planet's 84-Earth-year orbit. The suggested UOP probe would measure wind and temperatures, while the orbiter would make global observations in order to determine how the atmosphere of Uranus...
Where is the planet Uranus located? What is the planet Uranus' nickname? Is Uranus a gas planet? What planet is after Pluto? Is Uranus a terrestrial planet? What is the size of the planet Uranus? What is the atmosphere of Uranus?
Uranus is a giant in construction, but not so much in size; its diameter compares unfavourably with that of Jupiter and Saturn, though on the terrestrial scale it is still colossal. Uranus’ atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen and helium, with a trace of methane. Through a telescope the ...