U.S. Atlas TopoJSON This repository provides a convenient redistribution of theCensus Bureau’scartographic boundary shapefiles, 2017 edition as TopoJSON. For earlier editions, seepast releases. Both projected and unprojected geometries are included. The projection used by these files is: ...
a color atlas of phys a comb of bananas a coming-out ball a common english a common thread a common voice a communication a community commitmen a companion to voa a company act a company limited by a comparative study o a comparative study o a complete descriptio a complete product st a...
the perfect evil the performance of pr the period excuse the perse school for the person cried the person graded las the person that bear the person who the person who chases the person who wont b the personnel must in the phaidon atlas of the phantom of the pharisees heard t the phenome...
和妻子三千海洋女神Oceanid中 之一的Clymene生下四个孩子分别是擎天神Atlas, 盗火者Prometheus, 最愚笨的神之一被称为"后知者"的Epimetheus和暴力愤怒之神Menoetius。在天文学上Iapetus还用来称呼距离土星第十六远的土星卫星,土卫八。 资料2也显示Asie(拉丁文就是Asia)是Prometheus的妻子。但是呢也承认人们倒是经常把...
et al. An atlas of MUSE observations towards twelve massive lensing clusters. Astron. Astrophys. 646, A83 (2021). Article Google Scholar Bergamini, P. et al. The GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. III. Strong-lensing model of Abell 2744 and its infalling regions. Astrophys. J. ...
terrarumby the Flemish geographer Abraham Ortelius. In 1595 his close friend Gerardus Mercator publishedAtlas sive cosmographicae.Its frontispiece was a figure of the titan Atlas holding a globe on his shoulders. The nameAtlassubsequently came to be applied to volumes of maps and information in ...
StatisticalAtlas.com is a website dedicated to satisfying all your cravings for in-depth statistical data and analysis for all of the US. Get high-level overviews for the entire country, then drill down through 10+ map levels, all the way down to the individual block. The site is heavily...
atlas moth giant silkworm moth,silkworm moth- any silkworm moth of the family Saturniidae Atticus,genus Atticus- atlas moth Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link...
that we could understand our planet as a limited condition. The Digital Universe Atlas has been built at the American Museum of Natural History over the past 12 years. We maintain that, put that together as a project to really chart the universe across all scales. What we see here are sat...