Cambridge Journals Online - Language in Society - Abstract - The atlas of languages: The origin and development of languages throughout the world. Consultant editors: Bernard Comrie, Stephen Matthews, and Maria Polinsky. Foreword by Jean Aitchison. London: Quarto; New York: Facts on File, 1996...
There have been a number of important efforts to map out the languages of Iran, but until now no language atlas, or even a comprehensive and detailed country-level language map, has been produced. One of the recent initiatives which aims to fill this gap is the online Atlas of the ...
关联商品 【预订】Studyguide for the Atlas of Languages by Comrie, Bernard Bernard 加入购物车 立即购买 当当自营 正品保障 服务支持 差价返还 15天换货 礼品包装 不支持7天无理由退货 支持礼品卡 支持当当V卡 企业批量采买 购买此商品的顾客还购买过 1 /4 ...
根据第一自然段“Languages around the world continue to disappear at an alarming rate. According to the UNESCO Atlas of Languages in Danger, there are 6,700 languages spoken in the world, 40 percent of which are in danger of disappearing.(世界各地的语言继续以惊人的速度消失。根据联合国教科文...
语言结构的世界地图集. The World Atlas of Languages Structures001 1 @ 2. Moderately small 121 @ 3. Average 181 @ 4. Moderately large 116 @ 5. Large 53 total 562 It is usually possible to agree for any given language on a set of elements which are considered to be th...
The World Atlas of Language Structuresis a recently published resource providing data on the geographical distribution of grammatical structures for a large sample of the world′s languages. The articles in this special issue are the result of some first attempts to use the wealth of data available...
"The World Atlas of Language Structures" is a book and CD combination displaying the structural properties of the world's languages. 142 world maps and numerous regional maps - all in colour - display the geographical distribution of features of pronunciation and grammar, such as number of vowels...
languages地图集atlasconsonantsworldconsonant 11.ConsonantInventoriesIanMaddieson1.IntroductionThischapterandthenextfewchapterswilllookatvariousaspectsofthecomplexityofthesoundresourcesusedintheworld’slanguagesandexaminehowthiscomplexityisdistributedgeographically.Thefirstaspecttobeexaminedisthesizeofthesetofconsonantsusedinth...
Indonesian-the official language of a multilingual nation : Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas Vol I: Maps. Vol II: Texts Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific, Asia, and the Americas (Volume II.1: Texts). Berlin...