建立 登入 答案 Almost as old as the Atlantic slave trade itself were voices calling for its abolition. Africans also took up the struggle to abolish commerce in human beings (slavery). Frequent salve revolts made the institution of slavery an expensive and dangerous business. some freed slaves ...
Atlantic Slave Trade 5個詞語 No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ra 預覽 Columbia Art Hum Final 33個詞語 eh2949 預覽 Art History Final 38個詞語 michaelpell3905 預覽 French Art Quiz 2 47個詞語 Isakeen10 預覽 murray 24個詞語 quizlette19008349 預覽 Euro Sem 1 Art 10個詞語 MiaEileen 預覽 Romanesque and...
Week 12 - Agency and Resistance in the Atlantic World, Case Study: Jamaica 94個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(27) 1. What is Race? -Race is hierarchical social construct, based on purported biological differences between groups of people -Racial categories are determined by laws, social conventions, and...