Philip Curtin's The Atlantic Slave Trade: a Census (1969) was the first attempt to estimate, from available secondary literature, the volume of the trade. Herbert S. Klein, professor of history at Stanford University and research fellow at the Hoover Institution, was one o...
The trans-Atlantic slave trade dramatically changed the demographic makeup of the New World, with varying regions of the African coast exploited differently over roughly a 400 year period. When compared to the discrete mitochondrial haplotype distribution of historically appropriate source populations, the...
Moving on to other types of enslavement resulting from forced slave mobility around the globe, the Mediterranean trade also involved slaves brought to Italian cities from the Atlantic colonial world. The complexity of the global circulation of slaves between the ports of the Atlantic Ocean and the ...
Soon after that, the Atlantic slave trade introduced African individuals, who originated mostly from western Africa (Curtin 1969). The arrival of immigrants led to the establishment of a rapidly growing admixed criollo population and a concomitant decline in the Amerind population. The Andes divides...
A full pieza de India was the ideal capture: a male of good health aged fifteen to twenty-five years. All other people were fractions of this unit. (See Philip D. Curtin, The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census, 1969.) 8. Cited in Millard Arnold, Steve Biko, 141. 9. Derrida, "Racism...
Although scholarly literature on slavery and the slave trade in Africa has grown with increasing rapidity in the period following Philip Curtin's book The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census (1969), few, if any, studies have attempted a comprehensive analysis of how Africans organized their familial ...
Paul Schor's (2017), Counting Americans: How the US census classified the nation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, and Jean Francois Schaub's (2019), Race is about politics: Lessons from history. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 3. For examples of mobilizations, see La ...
the Atlantic coast and, after the French and Indian Wars (1754-1763), the Northwest Territory and Canada. The original Thirteen Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776 and formed a government under the Articles of Confederation in 1781, adopting (1787) a new constitution ...
The food of Ghana is as diverse as its regions; for example, millet and sorghum-based dishes are often found inland, in the north, while seafood is more prominent near the southern coast edging the Atlantic. However, staples like yam, corn, cassava, and rice can be found throughout the ...
Explorer Tara Roberts took up diving to learn about the human side of a tragic era. She wound up connecting with her family’s inspiring past.