physical therapy n.Abbr.PT The treatment of physical dysfunction or injury by the use of therapeutic exercise and the application of modalities, intended to restore or facilitate normal function or development. Also calledphysiotherapy. physical therapistn. ...
Or, maybe you’ve noticed that simple tasks have become more difficult for you or an aging family member. Physicians often recommend physical or occupational therapy to help rehabilitate their patients and restore them to daily life and activity. Physical Therapyfocuses on restoring a patient’s lo...
Call a Physical Therapist You get up from the sof a and-ow! Back pain takes your breath away. Do you reach for the pain pills? No! Call a physical therapist instead !More and more, physical therapy, or PT, is a common go-to for treating aches and pains. A physical therapist can ...
修改之后:Daniel works at a private rehabilitation center as a registered physical therapist. Sylvia very hurriedly scribbled her name,address,and phone number on a greasy napkin. 修改之后:Sylvia scribbled her name,address,and phone number on a greasy napkin.因为scribble就有“匆忙”的意思。
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Physical therapist assistantThis article reviews the history of the physical therapist assistant (PTA) and PTA education...doi:10.1097/00001416-200310000-00010Carpenter-Davis, Cheryl AJournal of Physical Therapy EducationJournal of Physical Therapy Education...
To choose the right one, ensure you consult your physical therapist.… Read More Casey Ward Health Factors to Consider When Buying CBD Oil Products June 14, 2020 CBD is a real breakthrough in the health-care industry, and it is the right remedy that is conquering the CBD market. ...
12. Physical Therapist Median salary: $97,720Education required: Doctoral or professional degree Physical therapist ranks No. 7 among the Best Health Care Jobs. Physical therapists help people recover their mobility and strength through exercises. It can be rewarding to watch people improve and achie...
)Ten minutes of activity per day is a good start, says Marcus Jackovitz, DPT, a physical therapist at the University of Miami Hospital.(迈阿密大学医院的物理治疗师马库斯·杰科维茨说,每天十分钟的活动是一个很好的开始。)All the experts we spoke with highly recommend walking because it’s the...