必应词典为您提供theastrophysicaljournalletters的释义,网络释义: 天文物理期刊通讯;天体物理杂志通讯;天体物理学杂志通讯;
相关论文“从早期闪光光谱的转变探测SN 2024ggi的激波突破信号”(Probing the Shock Breakout Signal of SN 2024ggi from the Transformation of Early Flash Spectroscopy)发表在2024年7月19日的《天体物理学杂志快报》(The Astrophysical Jour...
这期带来的The Astrophysical Journal Letters(ApJL)是美国天文学会旗下的天体物理学专业期刊,致力于在天体物理学领域发布具有重大影响力和高水平的研究成果。该期刊以其高质量的论文和严格的审稿流程著称。 The Astrophysical Journal Letters成立于1967年,现由美国天文学会出版,ISSN编号为2041-8205。该期刊主要研究天体物...
如果早期宇宙被磁化,那么磁场耗散会在宇宙演化的过程中产生高能的宇宙线核。而宇宙线核可以引起非热核反应,并改变原始元素的丰度。来自《the Astrophysical Journal Letters》期刊的图片显示了早期宇宙中的磁重联导致原子核和电子的射流的图像。 以下结果是通过对非热大爆炸核聚变的理论计算得到的。如果在二亿度温度下...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters is a peer-reviewed express scientific journal that allows astrophysicists to rapidly publish short notices of significant original research. 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 / 最新 / 好友 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 The Astrophysical Journal Letters的书评 ··· ...
期刊名称:《The Astrophysical Journal. Letters》 | 2012年第1期 关键词: circumstellar matter; planet; star interactions; stars: abundances; stars: individual (HE 1349-2305); white dwarfs; 3.VARIABILITY OF THE INFRARED EXCESS OF EXTREME DEBRIS DISKS 机译:极端碎片盘的红外过量的变化 作者:HUAN...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 来自 Citeseer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 106 作者: C Carrascogonzález 摘要: We present new 7 mm and archive 1.3 cm high angular resolution observations of the HL/XZ Tau region made with the VLA. At 7 mm, the emission from HL Tau seems to be arising in a clumpy ...
THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORSChris SnedenThe Astrophysical journal LettersAstrophysical Journal
The discovery, recently published in an article in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, shows that the distant galaxy is about a thousand times brighter than the Milky Way. "Thanks to the gravitational lens produced by a cluster of galaxies between ourselves and the source, which acts as if it ...