The first sub-forum focused on the theme of "Heritage Management and Sustainability." Within this theme, participants explored the significance of sustainability, sustainable development, and resilience for specific heritage sites. Discussions covered various aspects, including policy regulation in heritage ...
Finally, the conference will offer a space to take stock of the global state of the art on heritage and landscape conservation and inform officially the establishment of ICCROM-BFU Joint Lab of Heritage & Landscape Conservation of the BFU School of Landscape Architecture that has been launched thr...
London. He is Co-Curator of the Chinese National Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Atlas: Diversity in Harmony (2024). Previously he was Co-Curator of The Gravity of Time at the 2023 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum;
The Art Department and production office were set up in a modern building to the north end of the facility. It was a “quiet building”, especially built for Lockheed. The only windows were on the exterior walls. The inner chamber was accessed through a single electronic keypad-locked door....
York. Although it was the sincere cooperation between the exhibition teams of the two museums, it was actually a happy cooperation between me and the senior professional sister of the 7th grade and the head of the Chinese Art Museum of the Chinese Art Association of the United States in New...
The Aldrich Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT October 31, 2024 – March 16, 2025 A Garden of Promise and Dissent inaugurates The Aldrich’s newly renovated campus and Sculpture Garden. This intergenerational group exhibition of twenty-one artists explores the animation of the “garden” as a site of...
In the post-pandemic era, there has been a heightened global focus on the mental health challenges facing individuals, with a particular emphasis on innovative and effective therapeutic approaches. Despite the extensive body of research within the realm
Categories for the Description of Works of Art These 'Categories for the description of works of art' (CDWA) were created by the Art Information Task Force (AITF), a group of art historians, museum curators and registrars, visual resource professionals, art librarians, information ma... None...
Art is ubiquitous and everlasting, it crosses borders, time and space, and allows us to feel the essence of human creativity 关于展览... About the exhibition 作为加泰罗尼亚地区的首府、西班牙的艺术之都,巴塞罗那以其独特的艺术风格和热情的人民著称于世,这里孕育了高迪、达利、米罗、毕加索这四位伟大建...
General Executive Committee of the International Association of Aesthetics (IAA) 刘悦笛 Liu Yuedi 作为“觉知”的美学:当代中国艺术的新生点 Aesthetics as Awareness The New Dimension of Contemporary Chinese Art 中国社会科学院哲学所研究员、国际美学协会(IAA)总执委刘悦笛 ...