期刊简称ASIA-PAC EDUC RES 参考译名《亚太教育研究者》 核心类别SSCI(2023版), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 教育与教育研究 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher《亚太教育研究者》(双月刊). The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) is an...
注意,系统可以看到审稿状态,但系统默认是两位审稿人,现实review complete时只是两位审稿人完成了审稿,并不是真正的完成审稿。编辑处理速度很快,但外审速度完全取决于审稿人。这篇论文投了国内几家C刊均拒稿,却被SSCI2区接收,实属不易! 煎饼果子于 2024/6/17 22:27:45 回应:...
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 期刊介绍: SSCI 2区期刊,影响因子为3.3,是学校备案的“业界公认的国际顶级期刊 论文题目: Motivation for English Medium Instruction Among Chinese University Students: The Effect of Gender, Academic Level, Attitude and Linguistic Self-confidence 作者: Bin Wu, Zhongshe ...
您的位置:您的位置:万维书刊网>>SSCI期刊>>教育学类>>教育和教育研究 期刊封面 双月刊 所属分区:3区 是否TOP:非TOP期刊 是否综述:非综述期刊 是否OA:非OA期刊 国际标准刊号:ISSN 0119-5646;EISSN 2243-7908 期刊语言:英语 定价: 地址:SPRINGER HEIDELBERG , TIERGARTENSTRASSE 17, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, D-691...
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25 (4) (2016), pp. 579-592, 10.1007/s40299-016-0285-2 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Cited by (40) Fostering firm innovativeness: Understanding the sequential relationships between human resource practices, psychological empowerment, innovative work behavior, and...
Our analysis also identifies two main collaborative networks: the ‘Asia-Pacific cluster’ of the US, China, Singapore, Japan, India; the ‘European’ cluster of Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands. We also find Chinese and American authors collaborate with each other in a majority of their...
. (2014). The SSCI syndrome in higher education: A local or global phenomenon. Rotterdam: Springer. Google Scholar Coates, J. (2019). The cruel optimism of mobility: Aspiration, belonging, and the “Good Life” among transnational Chinese migrants in Tokyo. Positions: Asia Critique, 27(3)...
In: 2021 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI). IEEE, pp 1–8 Kiriu T, Nozaki M (2020) A text mining model to evaluate firms’ ESG activities: an application for Japanese firms. Asia-Pacific Finan Markets 27(4):621–632 Article Google Scholar Kirppu A (2019) ...
(3) advanced large-scale management of marine 4ecosy|stemSsIanTdEspeDcieEs wSitChinRseIaPscaTpeIbOouNndSaries through the use of muSltziduisstceiprl,ina&ry sSciaelnmtif,ic 2in0f0or9m).atiMonotsotinfMorPmAesffecwtiveereplagnanzinegt,ted implementati...
TheAsia Pacific Education Reviewhas the highest number of publications (29), citation count (634), and total link strength (5265), followed by theInternational Journal of Educational Developmentwith the second-highest number of publications and third-highest citation count. In Fig.6, the nodes are...