( )试图通过所领导的艺术与工艺运动(The Arts and Crafts Movement)提高手工艺的地位,用手工制作来反对机器和工业化。A.威廉·莫里斯B
网络释义 1. 英国美术工艺运动 三、英国美术工艺运动(the Arts Crafts Movement): 美术工艺运动源起於十九世纪下半叶的一场设计运动,是针对家具室内 …teacher.yuntech.edu.tw|基于2个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈
解析 _ the Arts and Crafts Movement, the piece are beautiful but comfortable works of art .首先对句子进行翻译,_在工艺美术运动中,这件作品是美丽而舒适的艺术品。根据句子结构可知,句子缺少动语,宾语是 the Arts and Crafts Movement意为工艺美术,句子的谓语动词是are,所以inspire是非谓语动词,需要考虑逻辑主...
The Arts and Crafts Movement reacted against mechanized processes. 子句类型: 主句 连接词: 分句-1 Processes threatened handcrafts and resulted in cheapened, monotonous merchandise. 子句类型: 定语从句 连接词: THAT 3. 句子成分 主句 The Arts and Crafts Movement [主语] reacted against [谓语] ...
For in both his art and his philosophical approach to art, crafts, and creativity, Tolkien was notably influenced by the British Arts and Crafts movement.By Ty Rosenthal for TolkienAugustBirminghamby the British Arts
The movement promoted economic and social reform, while championing ordinary workers and underappreciated craftspeople. Arts and crafts had global appeal. You could say arts and crafts never actually ended. Its morals, ethics, and political aims are still evident today. We love knowing where our ...
Dating from the 1850s to the First World War, the Arts and Crafts Movement was an international phenomenon of enormous scope and influence. It encompassed everything from architecture to town planning, metalwork and embroidery, in places as diverse as California and Budapest. Born of thinkers and...
英国工艺美术运动(the-Arts&Crafts-Movement)PPT 英国工艺美术运动(theArts&CraftsMovement)1 英国工业革命 •“工业革命爆发“这一用语意味着什么呢?它意味着在18世纪80年代的某个时候,人类社会的生产力摆脱了束缚它的桎梏,在人类历史上这还是第一次。•从此以后,生产力得以持久迅速地发展,并臻于人员、商品...
---Theleaderofthearts&craftsmovement (Willia威m廉mo·r0r1莫is里)1斯834-1896 出生于英国沃尔瑟姆斯托,是英国著名的诗人、文学家,工艺美术运动的领导者 被誉为现代设计之父 BorninWaltherMStow,England,isafamousEnglishpoet,writerandleaderofArtsandcraftsmovement.Knownasthefatherofmoderndesign WilliamMorris(2...
D项正确的传达了这样的意思,是正确选项;A项的错误在于,high forms of arts本来就享受着高地位,并且也不是这个组织关注的领域;但同时这个组织也无意要排斥或者批评哪一种艺术形式,这种错误出现在了C项中;B项的问题是搞混了问题和解决问题的目的之间的关系,B项阐述的是问题本身,而不是Arts and Crafts Movement...