香港 展览的名称,借鉴自 2010 年玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇 ( Marina Abramovic ) 在纽约现代艺术博物馆 ( MoMA ) 名噪一时的个展“The Artist is Present“。 从一开始,“艺术家此在”就是对 “挪用” 的应用,挪用行为也可能是一种创作行为,具有与原作同样的艺术价值。对此,策展人莫瑞吉奥·卡特兰 ( Maurizio ...
十二年前,行为艺术家 Marina Abramović 于 MoMA 打造的「The Artist is Present」作品,以艺术家与参与者面对面凝望对方的艺术形式而闻名,其中超过 1,500 名观者参与这次项目,包括 Abramović 已逝的前男友 Ulay 在内。 近期Abramović 在纽约画廊 SEAN KELLY GALLERY 举行的个展中,这位艺术家将重温这项著名的...
“这场展览有着非线性的策展逻辑,内容并没有按时间顺序排列。”当我将展览称作回顾展时,Abramović如此纠正道。“例如,展览起点处一边是2010年的《艺术家在场》(The Artist Is Present),一边是1974年的《节奏0》(Rhythm 0),两者间隔30余年,但与观众的互动都是作品的重要组成,因此共同出现在展览中。”这正是她...
The Artist is Present(2010) Video The Artist is Present(2010) Video Edit pageAdd to list Track 7- channel video installation (color, no sound), first performed at the MoMA, New York, which explores the complex relationship between artist and audience, as the performer is pushing past perceiv...
An interview with New York City-based Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović is presented. Particular focus is given to her 2010 work "The Artist is Present," which was created for Abramović's retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art (...
he told her. It remains one of the longest and most famous closeups in cinema history. Abramović is no Garbo, but “The Artist is Present” has more of a theatrical than a purely artistic aura clinging to it. Like cinema, it will leave a record and then pass. MoMA’s hoopla for ...
The Artist Is Present by Marina Abramović, 2010. 1988年,Marina Abramović与Ulay决定分手,二人从长城两端走向中点给对方最后的拥抱。那是他们最后一次见到对方。2010年Marina在MoMA进行The Artist Is Prese...
This chapter looks at the participative performance piece The Artist is Present, realized by Marina Abramovi in 2010 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA). It examines the devising tools employed by Abramovi to set up the performance within the The Donald B. and Catherine C. ...
摘要: The article discusses a performance art exhibit entitled "Marina Abramovíc: The Artist Is Present" by Marina Abramovíc at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City from March 14 to May 31, 2010.被引量: 30 年份: 2011 ...
这一段短片截取自纪录片Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present(玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇:艺术家在场)。 本片跟随记录了素有当代行为艺术祖母之美誉的塞尔维亚行为艺术家 Marina Abramović于2010年在纽约现代艺术博物馆MoMA举行的大型回顾展Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present的全过程。该次展览中,艺术家曾经...