Sun Tzu,originally named Sun Wu and also called Chang Qing, authoredThe Art of Warin the sixth century BC. This military strategy book became one of the most influential books of war, and Sun Tzu became well-known for being a military strategist, but also an international relations realist....
This article was originally published in 2021 in The Public Domain Review under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0. If you wish to reuse it please see: The first European settlers arrived at Nantucket, ...
Anya Taylor-Joy portrays the younger version of the character, originally played by Charlize Theron, as she navigates the treacherous post-apocalyptic landscape. Captured as a child and separated from her family, Furiosa finds herself caught in the midst of a fierce battle between two ruthless ...
For theMapspage, as you may or may not know, I originally used FuSoYa's utility to export maps from the game. Doing this quite literally saved meweeksof tedious map-building work. However, many of the maps came out looking weird and messy. That's (nearly) resolved now - I took the...
In considering “the unspoken rules of book reviewing,” the editors came across David Wheatley’s superb essay on poet-critics (originally published in CPR a number of years ago) and decided to reprint a section of it (modified only by numbered bullets for emphasis).… continue reading......
Originally published in London in 1791 this volume reprints�the narratives of Long who spend many years in his youth living with Indians. His journals describe his adventures traveling through Canada and the Great Lakes region. TB33534 $90.00 Roll over Image to expand Adventures of the First...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) is a roleplaying game made originally for the Microsoft Xbox and later released for the PC and Mac OS X, also available on iOS and Android devices. The game was developed by BioWare and published by LucasArt
Originally inspired by composer Matthew Bellamy’s reading of Brian Glyn Williams’s Predators (2013), the album, Bellamy stated, was ‘a modern metaphor for what it is to lose empathy. Through modern technology, and obviously through drone warfare in particular, it’s possible to do quite ...
The New York Times, morning daily newspaper published in New York City, long the newspaper of record in the United States and one of the world’s great newspapers. Its strength is in its editorial excellence; it has never been the largest newspaper in terms of circulation. The Times was ...
Still, to uncover what Gregor Samsa represents, some have endeavored to uncover what exactly he is. The German phraseungeheueren Ungezieferis how Kafka originally described Gregor’s new appearance. Whileungeheuerengenerally translates into English as “enormous” or “monstrous,”Ungezieferdoesn’...