|基于7个网页 3. 编程和维护接口 比如不重视 x86 平台,为了各自的利益 fragment 平台的编程和维护接口(详见《The Art of UNIX Programming》)。这些问 …|基于2个网页
unix编程艺术-中文版【the art of unix programming】百度云资源,unix编程艺术-中文版【the art of unix programming】百度网盘资源下载地址是百度云用户血刺***577分享的百度云资源文件,文件大小23.6MB,分享时间2023-07-01,请将文件unix编程艺术-中文版【the art of un
作为一个多年的开源(Open Source)拥趸,像《UNIX编程艺术》(The Art of Unix Programming)这样的好书自然不能错过。大约一周前我无意中在公司书柜中发现了它,立刻开始投入阅读。现在,我已经开始边读第二遍边作读书笔记了。 开篇的译序很有趣,第一句话就写道: “... (展开) ...
经典书籍《The Art of Unix Programming》Unix编程艺术 《Unix编程艺术》是系统介绍Unix系统领域中的历史、设计和开发哲学、思想文化体系、原则与经验方面的书籍,作者埃里克·雷蒙。本书由...
The_Art_of_Unix_Programming Preface Unix is not so much an operating system as an oral history. -- Neal Stephenson There is a vast difference between knowledge and expertise. Knowledge lets you deduce the right thing to do; expertise makes the right thing a reflex, hardly requiring conscious...
The Art of unix programming 哲学 哲学基础: unix 哲学并不算是一种正规设计方法, 不打算从计算机科学的理论高度产生出完美的软件, 那些毫无动力、松松垮垮的,薪水微薄的程序员,能在短短期限内,如同神灵附体般的创造出稳定而又新颖的软件, 这只不过是经理人永远的梦呓罢了。 (社会经济学基础) ...
内容提示: The Art of Unix Programming NextThe Art of Unix ProgrammingEric Steven RaymondThyrsus Enterprises<> Copyright © 2003 Eric S. RaymondRevision HistoryRevision 0.0Public HTML draft, first four chapters only. Revision 0.1First DocBook draft, fifteen chapters. Released to Mark...
The Art of Unix Programming(Unix 编程艺术)HE**TY 上传1.55 MB 文件格式 7z Unix Programming 读完此书,你应该对Unix的历史,思想以及编程有很深的了解了,经典,不用多说...点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 系统更新时间更改到更长的365天 ...
The Art of UNIX Programming From the Publisher: The UNIX operating system has become a key part of the technology landscape as we move into the 21st century. There are now a huge number of large-scale data management and transaction-processing systems built on UNIX... B Res - 人民邮电出版...