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The Art Of Thinking Clearly (Rolf Dobelli) [Logical Fallacies, Cognitive Biases] 星级: 324 页 Avoid News - Rolf Dobelli 星级: 4 页 Avoid News Part1 TEXT - Rolf Dobelli 星级: 11 页 清醒思考的艺术 西语版 El arte de pensar - Rolf Dobelli 星级: 205 页 The Art of Thinking Clearly...
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The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions【英文原版】清晰思考的艺术 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions【英文原版】清晰思考的艺术 下载 mobi epub pdf txt 电子书 ...
The Art of Thinking Clearly电子书 售价:¥100.71 46人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:Dobelli, Rolf 出 版 社:Harper Paperbacks 出版时间:2014-05-06 字数:45.8万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>小说 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
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The art of thinking clearly . 1- Survivorship Bias People systematically overestimate their chances of success . 2 Swimmer’s Body Illusion Professional swimmers don’t have perfect bodies because they train extensively . …How their bodies are designed is a factor for selection and not the result...
making—at work, at home, every day. From why you shouldn't accept a free drink to why you should walk out of a movie you don't like, from why it's so hard to predict the future to why you shouldn't watch the news, The Art of Thinking Clearly helps solve the puzzle of human...
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