网址:Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century 附带的 Python 实现:Python Companion to Statistical Thinking in the 21st Century 附带的 R 实现 简介 《21世纪的统计思维》是一本旨在现代化统计教育的教育资源。作者罗素·A·波尔德拉克(Russell A. Poldrack)致力于填补传统统计方法与当...
A Course in Game Theory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 Nudge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 An Introduction to Statistical Learning 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 The Art of Strategy 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 科学和艺术的本质区别在于,科学的内容可以通过系统而富有逻辑的方式来学习,而策略艺术的修炼则只有...
Streamlined Chapter 1continues to emphasize the importance of the statistical investigative process and adds an introduction on the opportunities and challenges with Big Data and Data Science, including a discussion of ethical considera...
正如Brad Efron和Trevor Hastie在他们的书《Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science》中所阐述的那样,这些通常在心理学学生的本科统计课程中讲授的方法,充分利用了当今不断增强的计算能力,以远远超出标准的方式去解决统计问题。 课程的第一年,我使用了Andy Field惊人的绘画小说统计书...
《The Rise of Statistical Thinking, 1820-1900》是Princeton University Press出版的图书,作者是Theodore M. Porter。内容简介 Review The Rise of Statistical Thinking avoids technicalities and concentrates on the flow of ideas between the natural and social sciences. It emphasizes the philosophical issues ...
Currently, the largest university is the University of Ghana with a population of 67,914 with males representing 34,772 (51.2) while females are 33,142 (48.8%). 3.3 Data analysis The descriptive statistics were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v27. Descriptive ...
In this exploratory study six professional statisticians were interviewed on their perspective of the nature of statistical thinking and on how they approached statistically based projects. Building on this and other studies some characteristics of statistical thinking are proposed and briefly described with...
Statistics was for a long time a domain where calculation dominated to the detriment of statistical thinking. In recent years, the latter concept has come much more to the fore, and is now being both researched and promoted in school and tertiary courses. In this study, we consider the appli...
So many others but how people, make in logic. As the whole book all, I pretty. It's even if they are thinking clearly is the manner in this idea of them. 3 the book were plagiarized from 100 tools of so art footnotes.The lessons that sense and informative book comes into the shows...
In this chapter, we highlight the importance of statistical thinking when leveraging complex data and models to enhance science progress. In particular, we discuss the reproducibility and replicability issues, the importance of uncertainty quantification, and some common pitfalls in the analysis of big...