Will you master the art of rally? Experience the golden era of rally in Career mode, traveling across 78 stages from Finland to Sardinia, Norway, Japan, Germany, Kenya and Indonesia. Get behind the wheel of your favorite vintage cars, ranging from the 60’s to the 80’s, Group B, Grou...
Will you master the art of rally? Experience the golden era of rally in Career mode, traveling across 78 stages from Finland to Sardinia, Norway, Japan, Germany, Kenya and Indonesia. Get behind the wheel of your favorite vintage cars, ranging from the 60’s to the 80’s, Group B, Grou...
From the creators ofAbsolute Drift,art of rallysends drivers into the golden era of rallies. Zoom around the gorgeous, stylized countryside as you master the art of, yup, rally, in over 50 different classic cars from the ‘60s all the way to the ‘80s. Classic ‘60s hairdos not included...
Easily one of the most chilled rally racing games around, art of rally has a new DLC out adding in Australia. While previous expansions have been free updates, this one is actually a paid DLC. They said that "Part of our team is based in Australia so this is extra special and we've ...
开发商 Funselektor Labs Inc. 继拉力赛竞速游戏《Art of Rally》大获成功后,于1月24日Xbox开发者直面会上正式推出新作《Over the Hill》。该游戏现已登陆Steam平台,延续了前作的极简主义风格与俯视角设计,但告别了传统竞速模式,转而聚焦于探索体验。玩家将在广袤的荒野中驾驶,穿越多样化的生物群系,从山谷到山脉...
From the creators ofAbsolute Drift,art of rallysends drivers into the golden era of rallies. Zoom around the gorgeous, stylized countryside as you master the art of, yup, rally, in over 50 different classic cars from the ‘60s all the way to the ‘80s. Classic ‘60s hairdos not included...
Chris Evans from The Reticule writes "when the driving itself is so good (and it really is), the style of the game so beautiful and the personality that it imbues….this is something everyone should take a moment to enjoy." Art of RallyPCthereticule.com ...
From the creator of Absolute Drift comes art of rally, a top-down racing game that heavy on style and it has great gameplay to back it up too. Here's the thing: I don't drive. Not in real life and any attempt at doing so seriously in games always comes with ma...
platforms, and also come with the Kenya update. In case you haven’t been keeping up with the game, Art of Rally is a ‘stylized’ racer inspired by the golden era of rally, transporting players to a number of locations across the globe including Finland, Sardinia, Norway, Japan, and...
ℹ️ If you already have playtest access, you will automatically get the new build when it's out. ❗ If this is your first time and you're curious about Golden Lap or you'd like to help us make our game better, please fill out the signup form at: ...