The Art of Linear Algebra– Graphic Notes on “Linear Algebra for Everyone” –Kenji Hiranabe∗with the kindest help of Gilbert Strang†translator: Kefang Liu‡September 1, 2021/updated July 12, 2023Abstract我尝试为 Gilbert Strang 在书籍“Linear Algebra for Everyone”中介绍的矩阵的重要概念... ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 1人点赞 容器 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我" 赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下 ...
英文与日文原版仓库为kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra, 中文版在仓库kf-liu/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN中(也会定期提pr到英文与日文原版的仓库), 欢迎✨star中文版仓库以跟进最新的中文译版. 全文输出文件: 中文版本 "The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN.pdf"与 中文最...
最近Github上的开源线性代数图解火遍全网! 仅仅十二张图片,让Gilbert Strang教授为其作序,内容十分精悍! 内容Content1.理解矩阵一一4个视角2.向量乘以向量一一2个视角3矩阵乘以向量一一2个视角4.矩阵乘以矩阵…
The Art of Linear Algebra 线性代数的艺术 这本开源书籍是 Kenji Hiranabe 先生为 MIT 教授 Gilbert Strang 的Linear Algebra for Everyone 一书撰写的图文注释。它作为唯二的笔记之一和唯一的Interesting Link被放在原著官网的首页推荐,也获得了教授的亲笔推荐序。 image.png 来几张图感受一下就知道了! image.png...
A determinant plays an important role in many applications of linear algebra. Finding determinants using non division free methods will encounter problems if entries of matricesare represented in rational or polynomial expressions, and also when floating point errors arise. To overcome this problem, div...
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The sample correlation matrix of the predictors is then the basic tool for describing approximate linear combinations that may distort the conclusions of a standard least-square analysis. However, as indicated by several authors, centering may eventually fail to detect the sources of ill-conditioning....权威指南中文版.pdf 权威指南 maven 原创 mb649d3a75b51a2 2023-07-02 14:55:00 115阅读 Book Introduction ...