Francis Bacon made extensive use of photographs and other images from the visual culture of his time in the production of works that were implicitly queer. Homosexual men were widely represented in prose and through cartoons as camply effeminate 'pansies'. In the magazine Lilliput, by contrast, ...
博斯《人间乐园》 The Garden of Earthly Hieronymus Bosch 1500 博斯非同反响的大型三联画《人间乐园》: 通过透视与风景的衔接,从左至右,描绘了人类从纯美的天堂,途经充满变数与挣扎的人世,逐渐堕落至罪恶地狱的全过程。 充满奇幻色彩的想象,对20世纪超现实主义有深远影响。 08 乔尔乔内《牧羊人的朝拜》 Adoration ...
commercialization and economic benefits are responsible of the rise of public art, private art spaces and art fairs in communities, where the space for art exhibition and the environment for artists'creation have been greatly promoted and improved. Public art projects are planned in museums,...
Martin Kippenberger Cupboard & Francis Bacon Hanging Cabinet,Wood, metal, paint, bottles,74 x 100 x 42 cm,2010,Performed by the public,Exhibition view,Lehmbruck Museum,,Duisburg, Germany, 2017,Photo credit Dejan Saric 沃姆不仅仅定义了日常物品,还将吃喝等日常活动作为雕塑术语进行了定义,他的作品为公...
Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. 旅行,对年轻人来说,是教育的一部分;对年长者而言,则是一种经历。 — Francis Bacon ——弗朗西斯·培根 此句仿写可以把 travel 替换为reading, voluntary work等词。
The Essays of Francis Bacon By Francis Bacon OF TRUTH What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Certainly there be, that delight in giddiness, and count it a bondage to fix a belief; affecting free-will in thinking, as well as in acting. And though the ...
Francis Bacon 1946 作为首个揭示痛苦和愤怒折磨的画家,培根用前所未有的血腥和冷酷笔触,揭示了战争带给人内心的扭曲和阴暗面。 早期作品《绘画》意义深远浓缩了缪斯 7 号混乱的工作室,撕裂的肢体、悬吊的肌腱、冰冷的仪器、杂乱的地板。潜在的冲动元素与病态的甜美色彩并置,以登峰造极的雄健笔法,跻身表现主义大师之...
Francis Bacon,Portrait,1976,Study of Henrietta 若论者接受现代主义是战后社会的处境:人类以刻苦自强精神来重建文明,建立自工业革命以来最大的社会发展运动,当中又结合美国的清教精神,和冷战时代的美苏二元对立政治方式,那么我们就可了解到为何后现代主义衍生的文化信念会是反对主流方案、反对单一以理性为中心、反对二元...
Chapter 1 Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根(1561–1626) ... 2 Text A Of Studies ...4Text B Of Marriage and Single Life ...9 Chapter 2 Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667–1745) ... 13 Text A A Modest Proposal ...