——克里斯蒂安·索尔门,1983年米兰·昆德拉访谈录——小说的艺术(TheArtofFiction)81号受访者:米兰·昆德拉采访者:克里斯蒂安·索尔门译者:柴妞 MASTER93 大家访谈采访者:您曾说过,在现代文学中,您感觉和维也纳作家罗伯特·穆齐尔 d 与赫曼·布洛赫 e ,比和其他任何作家都更接近。布洛赫认为——和您 ——心理...
The Art of Fiction电子书 售价:¥8.09 14人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:Henry James 出 版 社:Seltzer Books 出版时间:2018-03-01 字数:4.4万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>文学/自传/回忆录 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
Having said that, in this book he struggles to think about fiction and to unravel the mysteries of this art for us.A contemplative and a drifter, Kundera's Czech citizenship was revoked in the 1970s. The story goes that when an official gave him a globe and asked him to choose a ...
The Art of Fiction的创作者· ··· 戴维·洛奇作者 作者简介· ··· 戴维·洛奇(David Lodge),一九三五年在伦敦出生,早年就读于伦敦大学,伯明翰大学博士,英国皇家文学院院士,以文学贡献获得不列颠帝国勋章和法国文艺骑士勋章。从一九六〇年起,执教于伯明翰大学英语系,一九八七年退职从事创作,兼伯明翰大学现代英国...
http://public.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/artfictionnotes.htmHenry James “The Art of Fiction”Why is it revolutionary?1. Choice of subject belongs to the artist without restriction.We must grant the artist his subject, his idea, his donnée; our criticism is applied only to what he makes ...
The Art of Fiction No. 45: John SteinbeckSteinbeck, John
英文原版 小说的艺术 The Art of Fiction Notes on Craft for Young Writers 年轻作家写作指南 创意写作书系 进口英语书 John Gardner 著 京东价 ¥ 降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 - + 加入购物车 更多商品信息 ...
at the Royal Institution--the original form of his pamphlet--appears to indicate that many persons are interested in the art of fiction and are not indifferent to such remarks as those who practise it may attempt to make about it. I am therefore anxious not to lose the benefit of this ...
英文原版 The Art of Fiction 小说的艺术 戴维·洛奇 英文版 David Lodge 进口英语原版书籍 作者:David出版社:Vintage出版时间:2019年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥85.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。