The Art of Eloquence: Byron, Dickens, Tennyson, JoyceTHE ART OF ELOQUENCE: BYRON, DICKENS, TENNYSON, JOYCE. By Matthew Bevis. Oxford: Oxford...O'Neill, MichaelLiverpool University Press (UK)The Byron Journal
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New hybrid fullerene–steroid derivatives were prepared by using the Bingel–Hirsch protocol, by treatment of [60]fullerene with malonates bearing the appropriate steroid moieties obtained, in turn, from the functionalization of epiandrosterone, an important naturally occurring steroid hormone. Monocycloadd...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. criminality nounillegality,crime,corruption,delinquency,wrongdoing,lawlessness,wickedness,depravity,culpability,villainy,sinfulness,turpitudeThe evils of unemployment have increased criminality in the inner cities...
eloquence Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia fluent and persuasive discourse:She speaks with such eloquence. Not to be confused with: elocution– the art of public speaking, emphasizing gesture, vocal production, and delivery; public speaking style:His elocution was powerful and persuasive. ...
These fields encourage critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and a mastery of the art of eloquence. While perhaps less directly remunerative, careers in law, education, and the arts are often the purview of humanities graduates. 相反,人文学科涵盖文学、哲学和历史等学科,培养对人类经验的细致入微的...
He bent and laid his lips on her hands, which were cold and lifeless. She drew them away, and he turned to the door, found his coat and hat under the faint gas-light of the hall, and plunged out into the winter night bursting with the belated eloquence of the inarticulate....
Now still as birds they keep their former eloquence, their endless raucous chattering, as each indulges in her passionate love of speech.’ Tritonia [Athena] had listened to the tale she told with warm approval of the Aonides' [Mousai's (Muses')] song and of their righteous rage."...
In 1895, two of his plays were on the London stage simultaneously, and he was acknowledged as a pivotal figure in English literary life, admired for his wit and eloquence. Since at least the mid-1880s, however, Wilde had lived a sexual double life, and in 1893 he distanced himself from...
1Now we descend to that part which concerneth the illustration of tradition, comprehended in that science which we callrhetoric, or art ofeloquence; a science excellent, and excellently well laboured. For although in true value it is inferior to wisdom, as it is said by God to Moses, whe...