The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1的创作者· ··· Donald Knuth作者 作者简介· ··· 作者:(美国)Dald E. Kuh Donald.E.Knuth(唐纳德.E.克努特,中文名高德纳)是算法和程序设计技术的先驱者,是计算机排版系统TEX和METAFONT的发明者,他因这些成就和大量创造性的影响深远的著作(19部书和160篇论文)...
computer science. The first three volumes have for decades been an invaluable resource in programming theory and practice for students, researchers, and practitioners alike. The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taught many of today's software developers most of what they k......
书名:The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1《计算机程序设计艺术1》 作者:Donald Ervin Knuth 简介:The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taugh
The art of computer programming, vol. 1: fundamental algorithms - Knuth - 1998 () Citation Context ... their simpler “initialized, deterministic” form, transition systems have been proposed as a general model of Computing. Reisig points out that, in the first volume of The Art of Computer...
《计算机程序设计艺术》(The.Art.Of.Computer.Programming.Vol.1.-.Fundamental.Algorithms.(Addison.Wesley).-.Donald.Knuth 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:aena45 审核时间:2018-03-28 审核编号:7001116013001113 认证类型:实名认证 能力类型:内容提供者 领域认证: ...
The art of computer programming, vols I Exploiting Application Workload Characteristics To Accurately Estimate Replica Server Response Time Corina Ferdean and Mesaac Makpangou INRIA Rocquencourt, France, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex Abstract. We revisit the problem of selecting the suitable server...
计算机编程艺术(The Art of Computer Programming)四卷全.part1 这么经典的书,找了很久终于找到了清晰版的,而且是1-4卷全的。献给大家了! 该书涉及到的问题是计算机科学诞生之初就自然面对的几个基本的算法和数据结构的问题。时至今日,这些问题还在应用中扮演着重要角色;在很多研究课题中,它们是基础或原型。 算法...
The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1.part1.rar(共3部分,第1部分) 课程资源 - 专业指导不必**相瞒 上传23.84MB 文件格式 rar The Art of Computer Programming The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1.part1.rar(共3部分,第1部分) 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
The Art of Computer Programming Published: Vol 1: Fundamental Algorithms Vol 2: Seminumerical Algorithms Vol 3: Sorting and Searching Writing: Vol 4: Combinatorial Algorithms Vol 5: Syntactic Algorithms Future Plans: Vol 6: Theory of Context-free Languages...