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while I was doing part of my dissertational research 15 years ago. I knew even then that I would encounter cultural differences and misunderstandings, but they popped up when I least expected it. 00:00 On my first day, I went to a restaurant, ...
内容提示: [TED Talk] 希娜 亚格尔: 选择的艺术 | The art of choosing Sheena Iyengar | Sheena Iyengar, 2010 00:00:25 今天, 我要带大家 Today, I'm going to take you 00:00:27 在十八分钟的时间里环游世界。 around the world in 18 minutes. 00:00:29 美国是这次旅程的起点。 My base of ...
雪娜·易嘉选择的艺术SheenaIyengarontheartofchoosing.doc,关于这场演讲 雪娜·易嘉致力于研究人类如何做出选择—以及后续感受。在TED的讲台上,她举例畅谈不同的选择,从琐碎的(可口可乐与百事可乐)到重大的。她突破性的研究成果帮我们揭示了有关抉择的种种惊人观念。 A
Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 你好。我来这里是想和你谈谈赞美、钦佩和感谢的重要性,并且要具体和真诚。 And the way I got interested in this was...
best time to work on your marriage is before you have one, and that means being as intentional with love as you are with work. Picking your family is about consciously choosing who and what you want rather than just...
you can apply the method of self-talk, you can talk to yourself in the comfort of your room, describing your plans for the weekend, how your day has been, or even take a random picture from your phone, and describe the picture to your imaginary friend. This is how polyglots learn lan...
The 20 Most Inspiring TED Talks for ArchitectsAlastair ParvinIwan BaanMoshe SafdieTED TalkWikiHouseArchdaily
the world on social media. But with her mother’s steadfast guidance, Howard learned to set personal boundaries and savor the beauty of private moments. In this personal talk, she draws on three generations of family wisdom to remind us that “a private life makes a publ...