发行商:The Lonely Developer The Art Gallery VR is an immersive virtual reality experience that transports you to a beautifully crafted art gallery displaying the masterpieces of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet and Rembrandt. You can explore the gallery at your own pace, viewing the paintings up...
The Art Gallery VR 是一种独一无二的虚拟现实体验,它带领艺术爱好者踏上穿越皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿 (Pierre-Auguste Renoir) 世界的旅程。 该应用程序将用户带到一个设计精美的虚拟艺术画廊,在那里他们可以近距离和个性化地探索雷诺阿的标志性画作。 从舒适的家中,用户将被带到一个感觉像真正的艺术画廊的空间,...
近日,巴西科技公司Compass UOL推出了一款VR应用《The Stolen Art Gallery》,可以让用户沉浸在一个虚拟艺术画廊中。该画廊完全由来自世界知名艺术家的被盗艺术品组成,如卡拉瓦乔、塞尚、马奈、伦勃朗和梵高。使用自定义虚拟化身,用户可以使用各种有用的工具与艺术品每个部分进行交互,可以使用放大镜更仔细地品鉴艺术品...
Shop for products created with VR Art exclusively from Zandy XR! Leather bags, Dresses, Skirts, Designer Shoes, Masks, Raincoats and Umbrellas, and Home Accents. Shop the Artisan collection where all products are handcrafted and shipped from London.
装饰艺术画廊, 肖勒姆机场航站楼(Art deco gallery, Shoreham Airport terminal) 惠特沃思公园艺术画廊(Whitworth Park and Art Gallery) 大街上的艺术画廊(Art gallery in the High Street) 地貌雕塑, 现代艺术画廊(Landform Sculpture, Gallery of Modern Art) ...
=> VR Art Exhibition Use a smartphone-based VR headset to get a lifesize view of the gallery. The app supports Headstrapped and handheld VR headsets. With a Headstrapped headset, a joystick-like controller is used to navigate inside the gallery. Handheld VR headsets use a click-based naviga...
=> VR Art Exhibition Use a smartphone-based VR headset to get a lifesize view of the gallery. The app supports Headstrapped and handheld VR headsets. With a Headstrapped headset, a joystick-like controller is used to navigate inside the gallery. Handheld VR headsets use a click-based naviga...
In the entertainment sector, VR's influence has been transformative. From virtual concerts and art galleries to hyper-realistic video games, VR is revolutionizing the way we consume entertainment. It provides immersive experiences that transport users to different worlds, making them active participants...
空间Space:可以画廊 KeYi Gallery 档案链接:https://www.artdisk.cn/cms/vr/322.html 新闻稿 Press Release: 可以画廊将于2023年7月23日举办合肥空间今年的的第四场展览。本次荣幸邀请到艺术家张文强带来他的首次个展「重返暗夜」,展览将精选呈现艺术家近一年以来的二十余件绘画作品。
=> VR Art Exhibition Use a smartphone-based VR headset to get a lifesize view of the gallery. The app supports Headstrapped and handheld VR headsets. With a Headstrapped headset, a joystick-like controller is used to navigate inside the gallery. Handheld VR headsets use a click-based naviga...