The Destruction of the Art Deco House - White Hinterland以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供 They're knocking down他们把我击倒 That art deco house装饰艺术风格的房子 The clawfoot tub is cracked and crushed爪足浴缸已经破了 The mattress springs床垫弹簧 And the telephone wires电话线 Gnash now through...
The Art Deco House (Book)Reviews the book 'The Art Deco House: Avant-Garde Houses of the 1920s and 1930s,' by Adrian Tinniswood.Scott, WhitneyBooklistThe Art Deco House. Adrian Tinniswood. . 2002
→ 沉闷阴暗的老洋房摇身一变成为充满现代感的前卫社交聚集地,一个能够给予身在其中的人们正能量愉悦感的开心加油站,这就是时尚艺术投资人Cindy与设计师Nathan合力打造的位于南京西路闹市区的THE HOUSE。 保留原始近百年历史风格,用现代元素的手法植入老建筑空间,基于经典的ARTDECO元素,运用新的设计手法来表现,作出...
前几天,斑长和一众艺人、当红博主、时尚达人,还有各大品牌爸爸们,一同被邀请感受MC HOUSE最鲜活的生活方式。 一起跟着斑长的脚步,探索9大空间,带着人们逃离当下... 从接待台进入的MC HOUSE的首个空间The Piazza。古罗马城邦的城市广场,正是城邦交流与活动的中心,这便是The Piazza的灵感来源,由此而设计的圆形聚...
The Legacy House 彤福轩 彤福轩的室内设计由墨尔本屡获殊荣的 BAR Studio 打造,室内设有热闹的主餐厅和七间私人厢房,拥有偌大的室外露台和维港的醉人景色。 作为香港瑰丽酒店的特色粤菜餐厅,彤福轩将经典中菜重新演译,主打顺德菜,以精细的预备功夫和烹调方式,带出食物的原有鲜味。
art house n 1.(Film) a cinema which specializes in showing films which are not part of the commercial mainstream adj 2.(Film) a.of or relating to such films or a cinema which specializes in showing them b.(as modifier):the surprise art-house hit of the season. ...
THE ART DECO HOUSE Art Deco is an outcome of the Modem Movement which began after the First World War in a desire for change. The first part of the book deals with the fundamentals of this new thinking and the progression of Art Deco design. Advancement wa......
暹罗套房以 Art Deco 风格打造,房间散发着黑木光泽,里面装饰着具有旧时代的各色灯饰及装饰画,同时包含宽敞的落地浴缸以及户外阳台。 庭院泳池别墅设计融合了中式风格,这里特色的窗棱及书画是屋内最为别致的装饰。拥有水意盎然的内庭,以及私享泳池,足不出户,便可享受游泳时光。
“不谈贴标签(新东方、Art Deco) 无需谈风格 。如园变化在于当代中国的意境,而不再是被具象化的符号所装饰。我们的作品所具有的较强的视觉效果也是我们设计的DNA,我希望我们的中国设计是精神层面的,从不提供维度的方式叠加出来,更丰富层次感的中国意境。而如园在北京,大家觉得是中国的,也必须是国际可以认同的中国...
s wife asked that I not take photos inside because the place just wasn’t ready. When the house was restored, John would drop me a note. Years passed, then last year I got an email saying “it’s ready!” There are still a few areas being undergoing restoration but the house in it...